I spent for as long as I can possibly remember, waking up in the morning, walking to the bathroom, and staring at myself until I found every flaw I could possibly point out, then I'd wonder why I wasn't happy. I guess I spent too long questioning my happiness to realize that all I had to do was stop worrying about not being good enough, and start loving myself.
So, here are ten self love tips for you, and everything you can't seem figure out.
1. Stop comparing yourself to others.
Stop comparing yourself to everyone else, whether it be your artwork, your appearance, something you write, something you bake, your home life, or something else that you create. When you look elsewhere, you will only find things you don't have. When you compare everything you are to everything someone else is, you only find what you lack in. So stop. Stop letting everyone else dominate your happiness. Look at your art work, or that article you wrote and tell yourself "I'm amazing, because I created this with my own two hands" because in the end, that's all you really have.
2. Be your own hero.
Don't wait around for some guy in a cape to save you, because it will never happen. The only person who can save you is you, so be your own hero. Fix your own mistakes. Right your own wrongs. Make life the way you want it, because you're the one with the steering wheel. Don't be a damsel in distress, because you are far from. You are a warrior. So be one.
3. Disengage in negativity.
One of the worst things you can do, is to allow yourself to be surrounded by negative people. Discontinue your relationship with those who do nothing but hurt you and put you down. The vibes you surround yourself with, is the vibes you'll begin to have. So, cut out those salty, negative people, and bring some positivity to your daily life.
4. Find comfort within your own skin.
Unless you can find the beauty in everything you are, you'll be sad forever. Try your best to remind yourself every day that you are beautiful. The curves, the stretch marks, the cellulite, and the scars. They are all part of who you are, and who you are is amazing. Forget that girl that's got it all, you have something in you that she can't offer. The quicker you are comfortable with yourself, the more happiness will come your way. You are who you are for a reason - never forget that.
5. Live in appreciation.
Find a reason to be thankful, even in the shittiest of times. Appreciate everything you are graced with in this cold world. Appreciate the roof under your head, and the people on your heart. Appreciate the food on the table and the clothes on your back. Appreciate the person who opened the door for you, and the guy on the sidewalk that threw you a kind smile. The more things you have appreciation for, the more happy you will be in this world.
6. Forgive yourself.
Never ever be too hard on yourself, everyone makes mistakes. Learn to forgive yourself. This isn't a perfect world and we are not perfect people, so when you spill your coffee on your t-shirt, mean to your best friend, or fail that english paper, learn to forgive yourself. Don't let yourself wallow in self pity. You have learned from your mistakes, so move on.
7. Own your potential.
You have potential for so many things. Own that shit. Remember that you are a wicked cool person - and have so much to offer the rest of this world. Own it. Be confident in everything you are, because, well, you are fucking awesome.
8. Be emotionally honest.
Living with numbness of everything you feel will cause so much more damage in the end. Be honest with your emotions, when you feel sad, be sad. When you feel happy, be happy. When you are overly excited, show it. When you are angry, express it. Don't hide your emotions in fear. Be who you are - unapologetically.
9. Take care of your body.
Taking care of your body by eating healthy, drinking plenty of water, brushing your teeth, showering, and getting good sleep all link to your happiness. So, always take the time to care for your body, whatever that may be. It will re pay you for those ten minutes of thinking about it.
10. Find beauty in bad times.
Try to find the beauty in every situation. Whether your car broke down on the freeway, your date got cancelled, or you have to wait three hours for a doctors appointment that took a third of that time. Maybe your car broke down, but there's a wonderful view of the sunset where you are. Maybe your date got cancelled, but now you have the night to eat ice cream and binge watch your favorite tv series. Maybe the doctors appointment took way too long, but at least you missed afternoon traffic, and read a really cool article on photography. Plus, you now have an excuse to get Mcdonald's instead of going home to cook. You see, there is beauty in every situation, take more time to see the beauty then the bad.
These ten things have helped me get through the roughest of nights and the worst of days. Print it out, copy this into your journal, save the link and re read it every morning if you have to. Being happy is one of the most important things in this world. Never forget to love yourself.