Here are 10 little things that have made a huge impact on every girls life.
1. Tacos and pizza.
And there's a reason why these are number 1. If pizza was a fat burning food, we would never worry about our bikini bodies. Also, Taco Tuesday should be everyday.
2. Black fingernails.
There's something about how fierce you feel leaving the nail salon with your nails painted black. This is most likely followed with a Snapchat of the manicure with the caption, "like my soul."
3. Bubble baths.
Add some lavender scented candles and James Bay radio on Spotify, and we won't be out of the bathroom until the water turns cold and our hands look like raisins
4. Freshly shaved legs.
There's nothing worse than doing the chore, but there's also nothing better than the end result.
5. Clean sheets.
Oh wait, there's one more thing that's better than freshly shaved legs... freshly shaved legs against clean sheets. Especially straight from the dryer.
6. Netflix.
Add some Rom-Coms to numbers 3, 4, & 5, and you have a girl's idea of the perfect night. The only thing that could make it better would be...
7. Chocolate.
It's the cure all.
8. 7 for $27 sales.
THE ULTIMATE SALE. If the sign is up, you know you aren't going home empty handed.
9. Being tan.
In the summer, it's a constant game of "who's tanner?" Plus, nothing looks better than a tan body in a white sundress.
10. Singing loud in the car.
And putting a video on Snapchat... if we wreck, at least we got the cute post, right?