10 Life Lessons From Phoebe Buffay | The Odyssey Online
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10 Life Lessons From Phoebe Buffay

"Smelly cat, smelly cat, it's not your fault."

10 Life Lessons From Phoebe Buffay

All avid "Friends" fans know that every character is vital to the success of the show. Each character fulfills a general stereotype that someone in every walk of life can relate to. For instance, Joey is the hunky struggling actor that is absolutely clueless about everything, (one of the many reasons why we love him). Monica is the OCD neat freak who went to fat camp as a kid and now is ironically a chef, despite her banging body. Chandler is the guy who gets by solely on his wit and perfectly timed jokes. Rachel is the rich girl who is just trying to figure out how to make a living on her own. And Ross is the friend who cannot figure out relationships for the life of him.

Now, one would look at this list of people and think, "Wow, this is a really diversified group." However, there is one missing link to this chain of friends, and that link is Phoebe Buffay. Phoebe is a life-loving hippie who takes it day by day.

Even though Phoebe seems rather lost in another world half of the time, she actually makes valid points and teaches valuable life lessons to viewers in her own unique way.

1. There is no stronger bond than the love between a girl and her food.

Food trumps any relationship. Especially if it is from Central Perk.

2. How to get out of obligations without lying or making an excuse.

Why worry about getting caught ditching plans, when you can just be straight up like Phoebe?

3. The truth behind most fights women have.

Because, really, we're so engulfed in the act of being mad, we sometimes forget what even started the fight in the first place (especially when it comes to men).

4. Any tough subject can be handled best through song.

Okay, maybe not every tough subject, but it's a catchy song so I guess it makes up for devastating children?

5. What love does to one's sanity and mental stability.

This is by far the most relevant simile ever written about love. And this is also dealing with a tough subject through song, double whammy on this one.

6. Never let a man beat you in any sport.

Even if you succumb to losing all morals. If you got it, flaunt it.

7. How to put people in their place with grace and class.

Phoebe even gives a little cultural insight with this insult. She has a true talent for being perfectly abrupt.

8. The ignorance and simple mindedness of some men.

This is a statement that practically every girl thinks at least once in her lifetime. Unless you live the life of a Disney Princess and found your true love the easy way, then this one does not apply to you #sorrynotsorry).

9. All about nutrition and essential dietary facts.

I think this one is pretty self explanatory.

10. That it's okay to take things day by day and see how life pans out.

Because living life on a whim is way more fun then having a set schedule every day.

All in all, Phoebe Buffay is one of the wiser prophets of this generation. And if we all know what's good for us, we'll listen to her unconventional, yet wise lessons. Because if they worked pretty well for her, they can do the same for us.

Peace. Love. Smelly Cat.

All images found on @friendsshowsays Twitter. Go follow the account; it's the perfect daily dose of "Friends."

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