Mabel Simmons is a woman we all know well. She is a strong-willed, truthful, crazy character created by Tyler Perry to bring us wisdom and truth through laughter. Whether she's disciplining some unruly kids, running from the police or insulting her brother Joe, there is usually some deeper meaning behind her hilarious antics. She's taken in underprivileged kids, hidden a family in the Witness Protection Program, befriended criminals and avenged friends after ugly divorces. She may go about it in a rather violent and uncommon way, but she always helps anyone in need. Here are 10 tidbits that Madea used to teach us the most important life lessons.
1. "Love is stronger than any addiction, baby; heck, it is one." —"Diary of a Mad Black Woman"
Pretty self-explanatory. Love is a toxic, addicting drug. Once you find someone and your heart falls... You can never go back. You're never the same person ever again. Falling in love is addicting. It will make you do crazy things.
2. "You know, I don't know what's wrong with folks, ain't anything wrong with these kids, they just need some love and support and discipline."—"Madea Goes to Jail"
Child rearing is a difficult task. Not everyone is destined to be a wonderful parent or work with kids all their lives. There is a special art to teaching, loving and raising little humans. Mostly they need many hugs, a lot of rules and a fair amount of real "Madea-style" discipline.
3. "It don't matter what people call you. It only matters what you answer to." —"Madea Goes to Jail"
You have to live life for yourself. You can't do everything with others in mind. Taking care of yourself should be your first and foremost top priority. You make your goals, you work towards them and you reap the benefits. It doesn't matter what other people say or think about you.
4. "If somebody want to walk out of your life, let them go. Especially if you know that you done everything you can do. Some people'll come in your life for a lifetime, and some'll come for a season. You got to know which is which. And you're gonna always mess up when you mix those seasonal people up with lifetime expectations." —"Madea Goes to Jail"
Trust Madea on this one. It will hurt like heck to watch them go, but you will be better off in the end. Follow Madea's lead and just wave them out with a big smile and wish them well.
5. "Some people are like a branch of a tree. You gotta be careful with them branches, too, because they'll fool you. They'll get there and make you think that they're a good friend and they're real strong. But the minute you step out there on them, they'll break and they'll leave you high and dry. But if you find two or three people in your life that's like the roots at the bottom of that tree, you are blessed. A tree can have a hundred million branches but only a few roots down at the bottom to make sure it gets everything they need." —"Madea Goes to Jail"
It takes all kinds of people to make the world go around. You don't have to like every kind of person, but they all have a part to play in this drama we call life. You don't have to agree with everyone's opinions or how they live your life, but you might as well agree to disagree. Don't fight about it—that's just how it is.
6. "If you don't know how to be by yourself, what you gonna do with somebody else? Stop praying about it! Shut up and wait! Go work on you! Heck, that's what that time is for, to get yourself together!" —"Madea Goes to Jail"
Being single isn't always a bad thing! Use that time wisely to do what you want. Watch what you want. Eat what you want. You don't have to answer to anyone. Just live happily and live it up! You'll be married soon enough.
7. "I don't understand why people want to be a victim. Your mama did this, your daddy did that. All they had to do was give you life and however good or however bad it was, now it's up to you to make something of it." —"Madea Goes to Jail"
You have the power to control your life and destiny. You want to be President? Make it happen. You want to go into construction? Make it happen. You have to overcome obstacles to make your dreams happen? Believe in yourself. You are in the driver's seat. The destination is up to you.
8. "Sex will get you dinner and a movie, holding out will get you cars and jewels and houses." —"I Can Do Bad All By Myself"
Well said, Madea. Always keep your goals in mind, and don't lose sight of them... for anything.
9. "You know what? I believe it would be the greatest Christianity thing I could do to help somebody in need." —"Madea's Witness Protection"
Everyone needs a little help now and again. Remember to be kind and show a Christian spirit, because you may be the one in need one day. Remember the Golden Rule!
10. "If you're old enough to lay there and make it, you're old enough to stand there and raise it." —"I Can Do Bad All By Myself"
The point is, there are always repercussions. With every action comes a consequence. Mistakes happen. But don't forget that no action goes without noticing. Even if you don't see an immediate consequence, it will inevitably come. You've just got to get up, keep on living your life and do the best you can.