Dogs are by far one of the most popular pets to own. They're cute, they're cuddly, and if you treat them right, they're also a loyal friend for life.
While the time and investment needed to properly teach them can be a handful, it pays off because they end up teaching you a couple things as well, listed below.
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1. You can get away with a lot of things just by using puppy eyes.
Pretty self-explanatory. Stare deep into those peepers and just try to say no.
2. As awesome as food is, it's best in moderation (but treats are always good).
A dog's food intake needs to be monitored so that they stay healthy and won't get fat and bloated while still having room to be rewarded with treats.
I mean, it's basically the same thing with humans right? Watch what you eat, but don't be afraid to take some time to treat yourself.
3. Naps are the bomb (and healthy too).
While dogs certainly have it a lot easier than their busy owners, they definitely have the right idea. A Huffington Post article says that napping just 20 minutes every day is enough to increase alertness, productivity, creativity, and more.
Plus, it's a healthy alternative to caffeine.
4. It's important to show how much you love someone.
Dogs are incredibly needy creatures. They're always seeking out affection and will wag their tails, lick your face, jump on you, and nudge you with their nose so that you can love them and they can love you.
While it can be exasperating at different times, it's mostly endearing and gives us a good incentive to give affection to our friends and family, whether it's through hugs or a pat on the back.
5. They are great wingmen (wingdogs?).
I mean, your furry companion can be scarily effective if you want to get a date, but they're also a good buffer for meeting new people in general.
Whenever I take the family dog, Dandy, to school or a local park, there's always a couple people who come up to ask if they can pet and/or play with her. They usually tell me about the dogs they have at home, and we end up getting to know a little bit about each other before parting ways.
They get some dog time, I get some people time, and the dog gets some play time. It's a win-win all around.
6. Getting outside is great. Getting to play outside? Better.
Dogs provide incentive and motivation to actually go outside and move around. More than that though, their sheer enthusiasm for being in the sun and wanting to play fetch is contagious.
As a result, both dogs and their owners are healthy and happy.
7. It's not about how people look, it's about how they act.
With the Dandy being a golden retriever, she loves bounding up to random people in the hopes of getting some pets and a new playmate. While there's always a chance that said random people are scared of dogs or want nothing to do with them, Dandy is obedient enough to immediately back off if I call her.
Usually though, I've seen people with hard scowls on their faces melt into a puddle of pure joy when faced with Dandy. It's made me more aware of what people might be going through in their daily lives and keep an open mind about how to approach strangers.
8. Don't sweat the small things.
Dogs are relatively simple creatures with simple needs. As long as they have the basics, they're quite content.
Humans are a little more complicated than that, but it's good to take a step back every now and then and figure out what your priorities are and what's not that important.
9. Life's easier if you're quick to move on.
You ever notice that dogs can't really be bothered by anything?
If they're told to move from their sleeping spot, they'll just move and find another to settle in. If you take their toy and won't give it back to them, they'll fetch another one. If you knock them over, they'll get up with their tail wagging. If they trip while running after a ball, they'll just shake it off.
Unless something is actively harming them, dogs don't usually linger on things that are embarrassing or inconvenient.
10. There's always something to be happy about.
Dogs are very easy to please, and you can make them excited about anything, and I mean anything. If you merely start acting happy out of the blue, then that's enough to make them happy too.
They're probably one of the most optimistic creatures out there, and maybe all it takes for us to follow their example is to take some time to enjoy being alive and being present.