Throughout my life, I've heard millions of pieces of advice. We all do. Countless social media images with some aesthetically pleasing background and obscure quote that boils down to "be yourself" clutter our timelines. But, people need to learn things for themselves. Life lessons, in my opinion, can only truly be found out the hard way. I've written about the first few of these before, but I want to expand on the ones I have previously written about and tell you guys about a few more. Thus, here are some I've learned:
1. "It's 5 O'Clock Somewhere"
When I say this, I don't simply mean that it's totally cool to crack open a cold one at 9 AM before class (but hey, you're your own person, you do you). To me, the classic Alan Jackson song featuring Jimmy Buffett is more about embracing the lifestyle of living life. We get so caught up in the rat race, between school and work, that we forget to sometimes sit down, take a break, and simply live in the moment.
2. Figure out what you want, not what others want you to want.
Loved ones in your life, like friends and family, typically have your best interest in mind. They're not always right, though. Thinking about switching your major, and your loved ones tell you the one you're thinking about is garbage? They might say it's what you want to do, but at the end of the day, you have to want to do it.
3. Always use your brain and your heart.
Somewhat rolling off of the last lesson, you need to follow your passion. Doing what you love to do is so key to living a happier life. Pursue those passions, but don't do it unwisely. Be smart about your leaps of faith.
4. Own up to your mistakes.
This is entirely paramount. If you make a mistake, don't be a coward. Talk to the person you wronged, apologize, and most importantly, do what you can do to make it better. When you don't own up to your mistakes, you can never learn anything from it. Not only that, but no one likes someone who can't take responsibility for their actions. Be an adult.
5. Change is a good thing - embrace it.
In life, we have our lives changed in the most drastic ways on days that start out ordinary. It can be sudden and shocking, and at first, it can sometimes be unwelcome. However, change is a good thing in the end. If something changes for the better, it's already good. But if things change for the worse, you still get an opportunity to grow through experience.
6. Don't fight your demons alone.
We all have inner demons that we fight. Whether it be self-confidence issues, trust issues, Daddy issues, or any other kind, these demons live in us who's sole purpose is to drag us down. As hard as we try, we can't fight them alone. You always need someone to help you fight them off, otherwise you will succumb to the dark within you.
7. Know when to say "no."
People will offer you to do things, or be a part of things all the time. For as much as we can try, we can't accept every position, invite, or whatever offered. I've had to turn down a handful of different clubs that asked me to be on their Exec. boards. I've had to tell friends no to hanging out. Sometimes you even have to say no to the "5 o'clock somewhere" offer. Responsibilities come first, and in the words of Ron Swanson, "Never half-ass two things, whole ass one thing."
8. Learning is cool.
Stay in school, kids. Pay attention in class. Get high scores. Just don't be a total snob about it.
9. Actions speak louder than words, but words can also be loud.
Saying one thing, but doing it is another. However, people listen. Do you want the things you say to be positive, or filled with negativity? Do you want people to see you as wise, or filled with useless gossip? Speak how you want to be perceived.
10. Your word is everything.
I've had to learn this one the hard thing. I've turned in things late sometimes when I said I'd have it in on time. We've all had moments that we've let someone down. You have to do whatever you can in your power, because without your word, no one can trust you.