"The Princess Bride" has been one of my favorite fairy tales/love stories for many years. It's adventurous, romantic, and just downright goofy. It definitely isn't like your average Disney princess story. It's so unique, and we can learn quite a bit about life from it!
1. There is more than one way to say, "I love you."
In the beginning of this beloved story, when Buttercup was known as a peasant, and Westley was known as Farm Boy, their conversations consisted of nothing else except for Buttercup barking orders and Westley replying, “As you wish.” Then one day, "she was amazed to discover that when he was saying 'As you wish,' what he meant was, 'I love you.'" Really, Buttercup? It took you that long to figure it out?
2. Never admit that you are alone to complete strangers.
If you find yourself traveling in Florin, do not, under any circumstances, let a band of vagabonds know that you are traveling alone. You will be kidnapped and taken to Giulden, where you will be forced to marry a creepy prince named Humperdink who is already plotting to kill you on your wedding night. Charming!
3. Do not trust a person wearing a mask.
Inigo should have listened to Fezzik when he literally said, "People in masks cannot be trusted." Instead, he helped the person hiding beneath the mask up the Cliffs of Insanity and began talking with him. Bad idea, bro.
4. Building up an immunity to Iocane powder may come in handy.
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders. The most famous is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia.' But only slightly less well known is this: 'Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line! Ahahahaha, ahahahaha, ahahaha'" *dies* In short, you never know when you will meet a crazy af Sicilian who has your true love held hostage. "The battle of wits has begun!"
5. R.O.U.S.'s do exist, Westley. Duh.
If you just so happen to find yourself wandering through the Fire Swamp, just remember that "Rodents Of Unusual Size" do in fact exist. Otherwise you might just almost lose your arm. Oops.
6. You can't break the bonds of love, not with a thousand swords.
"You can’t hurt me. Westley and I are joined by the bonds of love. And you cannot track that, not with a thousand bloodhounds, and you cannot break it, not with a thousand swords." When you truly love someone, no one can come between you and that person. Cue the, "awes!"
7. "Mostly dead" and "all dead" are not the same...
Because, "Mostly dead is slightly alive." Duh! Thanks for the heads up, Miracle Max!
8. MLTs are the Bomb.com.
They're so perky! Thanks again, Miracle Max!
9. Mawage is a dweam within a dweam.
"Mawage. Mawage is wot bwings us togeder tooday. Mawage, that bwessed awangment, that dweam wifin a dweam... And wuv, tru wuv, will fowow you foweva...So tweasure your wuv." Wise words fwom The Impressive Clergyman. Treasure your loved ones and never take them for granted. They are truly a tweasure.
10. Find the kiss that leaves the five most passionate kisses behind.
“Since the invention of the kiss, there have only been five kisses that were rated the most passionate, the most pure. This one left them all behind.” Find someone who kisses you like that. Seriously.