"How I Met Your Mother," also known as HIMYM, is a show about a man named Ted Mosby that tells stories about the way he met his kids' mother and how he does it with his four very best friends. It also tells many different lessons from each of the characters and their experiences in the show. "How I Met Your Mother" is personally one of my favorite shows, and it can teach some life lessons that we should all listen to. Here are 10 things that I've learned from watching this goofy, emotional show.
1. "When I let a day go by without talking to you, that day's just no good."
This specific quote was said from Barney to Robin in the rain. This lesson is that no matter how much you want to ignore the person you love just because you've had a bad day, a fight with them, or even just busy you shouldn't. Always make it an effort to talk to those you love, especially that special person in your life that you feel empty without. No matter why you aren't talking to them, put that behind you and talk to them. They can help a ton.
2. "The future is scary, but you can't just run back to the past because it's familiar."
This was said in an episode from Robin to Ted trying to stop him from running back. This goes to show that just because something is familiar and it is something you know you should still not go back to because it could be hurtful to you. Keep going into to the future and don't let anything push you back to your past ways.
3. "We gotta wait for the real thing. No matter how hard it gets."
This shows that you have to wait for what is real to come to you even if it is tough. It may be tough, but it'll be better to wait rather than getting into something that won't be good for you in the end. Wait for something to come to you, don't rush it and don't settle for less than you deserve.
4. "Our booth was wherever the five of us were together."
They always had a booth that they all sat in every time they went to the same bar. Although wherever they went they felt like they were in their booth. This goes to show that friends are a lot of your support and help and that sticking with them will always help you out. Friends are always there for you and are there for you when you need them.
5. "You may think your only choices are to swallow your anger or throw it in someone's face, but there's a third option: you can just let it go."
This goes to show that you actually get to choose how you handle a situation. If you choose to let it go then you will most likely get more comfort. Letting situations go can make you the bigger and better person and will help you more. You don't just have to the two choices and it's up to you to make the right one.
6. "That's life, you know, we never end up where you thought you wanted to be."
This goes to show that you can plan everything out but, sometimes things just don't go the way you want them to. Although it goes the other way it shouldn't be something that stops you, it should keep you going and finding the light in it.
7. "Nothing good ever happens after 2 am."
Nothing good happens after 2 a.m., so just go home and go to sleep. Don't make any decisions after 2 a.m. because you will regret them in the end for sure.
8. "When you meet the right person you know it."
Suddenly once you meet the right person, your soulmate, no one else matters and nothing else matters. Once you find that person time can't slow down enough to enjoy the moments with them.
9. "Shouldn't we hold out for the person who doesn't just tolerate our little quirks but actually kinda likes them?"
This shows to wait and not hold on to someone that doesn't see and like your true self but rather wait for the person who likes you for who you truly are and loves all your little quirks and makes you happy. Don't settle for something that you don't deserve.
10. "Sometimes things have to fall apart to make way for better things."
Lastly, things must fall apart to make way for better things. Let things fall apart to make things better for other things to come toward you. Don't let something bad keep happening when you can let it go and wait for something more.
HIMYM is a great show that shows love, friendship and even family. This crazy, wild and emotional show is a good lesson for all to watch and is also always entertaining to watch from the beginning to end. If you haven't seen it, give it a watch. If you already have, then you know what I am talking about!