If you haven't already followed DJ Khaled on Snapchat (DjKhaled305), you're not doing life right. You're missing out on vital tips for success. His metaphors and words of wisdom will leave you wondering why you didn't follow him sooner. Here's what you've missed.
1. There are multiple keys to success. So basically you'll need a key ring.
2. Keep your head above water. Drowning is not a key to success.
3. Water your plants.
4. Getting a manicure and pedicure will help you win more.
5. An apple a day...who knew?
6. When one door closes, just open it. That’s what the doorknob is for, right?
7. Hygiene is a major key to success. Major.
8. Be honest, but don’t play yourself.
9. Get a haircut. And have your barber use a head lamb for the freshest cut.
10. Food isn't free. Go to work.
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