There are lessons in life that sometimes we fail to forget. It is easier to keep on moving through life our way even if our way is not the best at times. We let little things dictate our lives and keep making the same mistakes over again instead of learning from the lessons we are given in life, like the ones we learned from "Remember The Titans."
1. Change is inevitable.
We aren't ones to welcome change. We like things how they are because it keeps us safe and inside our comfort zones. Once change happens we tend to have the worst attitude about it. You can complain, do things to twist it into your favor, but in the end change will happen regardless.
2. Attitude is everything.
No matter how good you are, if you have a bad attitude then you won't get very far. Attitude creates long-lasting impressions that can last you a lifetime. No one wants to be around someone who is a Debby Downer or a Negative Nancy. It isn't fun and people lose respect for you.
3. Sometimes you have to go back to your roots to see how far you have made it.
It is easy to forget where we came from. Sometimes we believe it is better to leave the past behind because we have progressed far enough to forget it. There comes a time when we have to go back to where we started to see how blessed and lucky we are to be where we are now.
4. Friendship is important.
There is something special about having a friend. That person is the one who sees you at your best and they see you at your worst. They believe in you even when you fail to believe in yourself. Friends hold you accountable and they aren't afraid to be real with you. That is the type of friendship that is important in life.
5. Fighting does not solve anything.
Sure when making impulsive decisions fighting seems like a great solution, but in reality, fighting does not fix the situation. It doesn't even make you feel better because nine times out of 10 you usually end up with consequences afterward. Everyone has their differences, but fighting with people does not build a stronger relationship especially with your teammates.
6. Don't be afraid to stand out.
Sometimes we shy away from opportunities because we are afraid to be different. People might look at you funny, but what matters is that you are going after something you love. Let your light shine even if it seems a bit out of your comfort zone. It is surprising what happens when you choose to follow your heart instead of letting what people are saying get to you.
7. Teamwork is everything.
There is no "I" in team. In order to be successful, you have to work together. The team cannot just pull together without cooperation and passion from everyone. Win or lose, they are by your side no matter what and they are there to help you grow to be the best you can be.
8. Family isn't always blood.
Sometimes your family will fail you, but there is a friend who is by your side through the thick and thin. They have your back regardless of what happens to you. Their parents even claim you as their own child. No matter what happens you always have a home with them.
9. Color doesn't matter.
We often judge people before we get to know them especially if they are of a different race than we are. We use the stereotypes we know and assume they are the epitome of that stereotype. In reality, color does not even matter. What matters is what is on the inside. Their character and personality are who they truly are, not their skintone.
10. It is OK to enjoy life.
There is nothing better than being able to be yourself around the people you love. It is OK to be your true self because no one will judge you for it when you are around those who truly know you. Odds are they like seeing you happy and enjoying the life you live. Loosen up and let free a little. There's nothing wrong to have fun.