Who is your worst enemy? A question we often don't think about..enemies are a thing for the movies right? Sometimes your own worst enemy is yourself. You are the only that can constantly feed yourself lies and wind up with no choice but to start believing it.
1. Why would he/she pick you?
2. There's someone out there prettier than you.
3. You don't really need that extra piece of cake do you?
4. Second place isn't good enough
5. You're too emotional to be straight.
6. You're probably not the only girl he is talking to right now.
7. There is nothing special about you
8.How could anyone ever love you?
9. No one is ever going to want to marry you
You. You are the one that is keeping you from freeing yourself. Until you let go of the hatred that you are carrying around and the accept you for you, you cannot be free. God made each and every of us into perfect image bearers of him, and is denying ourselves not the same as denying our God?
"For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit."
Romans 8:5
God calls us to live Christ like lives and if we are so focused on the things of the flesh we can not truly devote ourselves to fulfilling the plans he has laid out for us. I can not see the wonder in others if I do not see the wonder in myself. Letting Satan win power over our thoughts is like placing our lives in his hand. For to live a life devoted to Christ, is to live a life devoted to loving all things made by him, ourselves included.