With spring semester comes exams, papers, and late nights, but what about the highly anticipated Spring Break? Aside from the summer months ahead, what better way to get us through the semester then having a mini-vacation halfway through?
If you're anything like me, the things that come to mind when someone mentions Spring Break are bikinis, sunshine, and college students relaxing on some exotic island. As much as I'd love to soak up the sun in a swim suit, my bank account and body have made it pretty clear that those things will not be happening this year. Not only am I embracing the life of a "broke college student," but finding time to go to the gym and get that "summer bod" is nearly impossible.
That being said, my plan to sleep in and watch Netflix isn't all that foreign to most college students. Plenty of people I know have the same plan. Granted, there are a few people that get the luxury to travel to an exotic island in the middle of the semester, but it's not as common as some may think.
Moreover, this belief that Spring Break was filled with partying on a beach while laying in the sand was not something that we just imagined in our minds. Movies and TV shows have epitomized the Spring Break fantasy, ultimately preparing college students for a pastime that we can't even participate in.
In honor of the break coming up, here are the top 10 lies that movies and TV shows told us about Spring Break.
1. Dropping everything and going to the beach is an expectation rather than a luxury. ![]()
2. Staying in a 1-Star motel with a bunch of other college students is a good idea.![]()
3. The weather in March will be perfect.![]()
Regardless of the beautiful weather we've had recently, realistically, the weather in March on the East Coast is not equivalent to that of California's.
4. You can afford it.
5. Your bikini bod will be as ready as you are.![]()
6. Drinking in public is perfectly fine, and you'll probably get away with it.![]()
7. Apparently homework and assignments over the break doesn't exist.![]()
8. If you're lucky, you'll meet a famous person.![]()
Unless James Franco is passing by Central PA, the likelihood of that happening is basically zero.
9. Sleep is overrated.![]()
You're lying if you say that you haven't mentally prepared for the longest nap of your life to happen over Spring Break.
10. You won't regret spending all that hard-earned money that you saved.![]()
Not another lie, just emphasizing the fact that Spring Break is hella expensive.