Hillary has announced during every Presidential debate that she has a live fact checker on her website. This should already tip viewers off to something about her opponent, Donald Trump. If his lying is something that she so greatly anticipated that she felt as if she wouldn't be able to keep up with checking him during the debate, and would need a her team to do for her behind the scenes, that means that this man is constantly spewing nonsense. And yet many people still intend on voting for him. Perhaps it’s because some people hear lie and they perceive it as him simply mis-speaking, or they think of it as a simple white lie. But when the potential future President of the United States is a known liar, voters should pause before casting a ballot in his favor. Here is a list of lies he has told during his campaign:
1. On March 27, Trump claimed that Cruz bought the rights to an ad featuring Melania Trump nude. — Ain’t nobody lookin’ at yo’ wife
2. On March 21, Trump said, “Out of 67 counties in Florida, I won 66, which is unprecedented. It’s never happened before.” Except when John Kerry won all 67, and Al Gore won 67, and George W. Bush won 67…
3. “I’m beating Clinton in all the polls.” — Wow, has it ever happened that any candidate has beaten their opponent in every single online pole simultaneously?
4. “I don’t condone violence.” And yet he has challenged those who attend his rallies to kick other people out, and has even said that he’d like to punch a couple of nay-sayers in the face.
5. Trump has said many times that he has not taken any money from donors to fund his campaign, and yet he accepted $7.5 million from someone outside of himself for his campaign…. That’s literally what a donation is.
6. Trump says he is “number one with Hispanics,” and yet 93 percent of the Latinos in Nevada are against his election.
7. Speaking on his university, Trump claimed that 98 percent of the people who took his courses thought they were terrific and worth every dollar. However, it was later revealed that he got these numbers from a person all participants were required to take while still enrolled in the courses and expecting future benefits. The survey was also not anonymous.
8. After being asked what Trump has sacrificed for this country, he said that he sacrificed a great deal, citing his sacrifice of building many businesses… I’m still unsure of how this is a sacrifice and what he has lost because of it. The real sacrifice seems to be of any type of respect the American people might have had for him before they saw how much of a clown he actually is.
9. When speaking to a crowd in Arkansas, Trump claimed that, “We broke the record, and I asked the fire marshal. ‘Please come up because nobody’s going to believe me. A record crowd of 12k!” — Except the arena only held 7,150 seats, and only half of the arena was full. Awkward and desperate, Mr. Trump, awkward and desperate.
10. “I respect women!” — The biggest lie of them all.