At the beginning of every school year it's safe to say that you have a certain idea of how you want your year to go. You set ambitious goals for yourself and have a feeling inside your gut that this year will be the year of breaking old habits. Life style changes will be made, poor habits will be kicked to the curb, and new habits will sign the twelve month lease and move right in. That sounds like an ideal way to start off the school year, but let's be real with ourselves. Those new habits will maybe take a tour of your prefrontal cortex, ask for a lease agreement to "look over", and then sneak out the back door when you're not paying attention. If you're really set on changing those habits, good for you, but if you catch yourself saying one of the phrases below you might be paying yourself.
1. What you tell yourself: "I think I’m going to go to every office hour I can."
Reality: Professor has office hours on Tuesday from 8 AM to 9 AM.
2. What you tell yourself: "Maybe I’ll start going to the gym this year."
3. What you tell yourself: "I’m gonna wake up early to make a healthy breakfast."
4. What you tell yourself: "No assignments due tonight? I guess I’ll go to sleep early."
Reality: *Watches Netflix until 4 AM*
5. What you tell yourself: "I’ll fold my laundry as soon as I take it out of the dryer."
Reality: How your room will look days after doing your laundry.
6. What you tell yourself: "I should start cooking my own meals so I can save some money."
Reality: "Hey, wanna go out to eat?"
7. What you tell yourself: "I don’t need coffee. I just like the way it taste."
8. What you tell yourself: "I’m not sure what I want to declare as my major but I’m not worried. I have time."
9. What you tell yourself: "I can get though 8 AM lecture without falling asleep."
10. What you tell yourself: "I'll start this assignment early."
Reality: *An hour before the assignment is due*
As Yoncé would say, "Don't play yourself."