1. Texting but not talking.
You text said person frequently, and although you are not necessarily pursuing a romantic relationship with them, you wouldn't spend hours texting inside jokes back and forth if you weren't at least interested.
2. Texting but very much talking.
Very similar to the first level with one noted difference: direction. Frequent text message exchanges that can organically last for hours.
3. Actually talking on the phone.
Realistically a phone call shouldn't even make this list. But nowadays if someone takes the time out of the craziness of modern day life to actually call you on the phone to talk it means something. Because it actually takes effort.
4. Facebook and Instagram serial likes.
Pretty much means:
5. The seduction begins:
6. You kissed while drunk and now what?
Often times there is a step between being friends and being in a relationship that involves a little bit of alcohol.
7. Sex-- where one of you sneaks out the next morning.
This is the stage of the relationship that involves sneaking out in the morning to avoid any difficult conversations.
8. Sex where one of you doesn't sneak out the next morning.
The only difference between this and the previous stage is that those difficult and awkward conversations are worth having.
9. You start getting more and more comfortable with each other.
Little quips back and forth are no big deal. As you begin to get to know the person better and better.
10. They know the real you.
Often times even people in relationships don't truly know the person. That's why knowing who someone is at their core is the final level of a relationship.