10 Lessons MTV's "The Hills" Taught Us As Tweenagers | The Odyssey Online
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10 Lessons MTV's "The Hills" Taught Us As Tweenagers

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10 Lessons MTV's "The Hills" Taught Us As Tweenagers

I don't know about you, but my early 2000's middle school experience ushered in an era of reality TV that was a type of education in its own right. "Laguna Beach", which eventually segued into "The Hills", was low key a culturally relevant television show that taught so much (good and bad) to us tweenagers who idolized LC, Audrina, Whitney, Brody and the whole crew, and DESPISED Heidi and Spencer. Preceding the trash that was Jersey Shore and everything that downward spiraled after it, The Hills was a class act in its own way, and carried with it a bunch of messages that you most definitely picked up if you were anywhere between an avid watcher and die-hard fan. Because after all, the rest was all unwritten...

10. That if you look up the term "career goals", you'll find Whitney Port...

Even though "The City" never quite took off, it didn't need to. Even though the focus was and always will be on LC, we all could easily admit that Whitney was the epitome of having your sh!t together...

9. Sometimes, we're not mad at our friends, we're mad at their choices...

And life would be so much easier if we just admitted that and stopped internalizing everything.

8. There's only so much that's in your control...

Easier said than done, but at the end of the day no matter how many mistakes you've made, you always have your girls to take you out and have a good time.

7. Sometimes people leaving is a blessing in disguise...

The Lauren/Heidi Chronicles was probably the earliest lesson in toxicity, betrayal, and forgiveness that I received going into my teens and let me tell ya it resonated for a reason.

6. Always assert your needs and avoid the drama that's not your own...

Although our "Hills" gals didn't always practiced what they preached on this one, it got conveyed to us one way or another.

5. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is...

Our Laguna Beachians always had the craziest things going on- and could spot from a mile away when things seemed off- or a little sketchy, thereby providing example on how to do the same...

4. Hollywood people really are just like us...

Even the most rich and famous people in the world struggle coming to terms with the fact that life's not fair, and eventually everyone gets their just desserts...

3. To never settle for less when it comes to guys...

Let's be real, Audrina low key ALWAYS got the short end of the stick when it came to the men in her life. She taught us early on that boys are complicated, and waiting for them to wise up can take a lifetime.

2. That love isn't like it seems in the movies...

I mean if love is THAT hard to find amongst the most eligible people in Malibu then think about how difficult it's going to be for the rest of us...

1. But most of all...it made us truly reconsider if plastic surgery is ACTUALLY worth it...

RIP Heidi Montag's career.

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