Since going to college, I have started to view many things in a different light. I have basically been "living on my own" (or at least away from home) and have met new people. In doing so, I have been open to new ideas and new ways of thinking. In growing up, I have begun to understand things in ways that have ultimately made me happier.
1. If someone wants to be in your life they will be.
I've learned that my time is not worth those who do not make time for me. I know this sounds mean, but I think we have all had a friendship or relationship that feels very one-sided. And after a while, it proves to be too much work to put in all the effort; and quite frankly it's not worth it.
2. Being nice is a domino effect.
Occasionally, there will be the exception where you simply cannot put a smile on someone's face. However, most times a kind attitude is contagious. I've found that a grumpy cashier's day can quickly be turned around by a simple smile and a genuine "have a nice day," which will in turn reaffirm your happiness.
3. Everything in moderation.
I've learned that everything in life really is best enjoyed in moderation. Whether it's food, drinks, people, places or things, moderation is key. Sure, coffee is good, but it's even better when you don't have it every day. Yes, shopping is fun, but can quickly lose its charm while you lose your money. Ice cream is delicious, but it's even better when it's not eaten every day. These things almost become more of a treat, which ultimately makes them more enjoyable.
4. Letting go of negativity is worth it.
Sometimes it's scary to think about losing a friendship or relationship, but if it has become filled with negativity, it's for the best. Those with negative attitudes are only going to bring you down to their level and spread the negativity to you. So, let go of those who seem to never see the bright side. But even more, let go of your own negativity. We all have bad days where nothings seems to go right, but it's important to let yourself be down for only a short time. Then move on to looking for and believing in the positives.
5. Knowing when to stand up for something and when to let it go.
Sometimes in life your ideas will be rejected, your values questioned and you may be pushed round. It is important that you know when enough is enough and that you stand up for yourself. However, sometimes the fight is not worth the time or the trouble and, in that case, it is important to just let it go.
6. Take less pictures, enjoy more moments.
Sure, we all want the sunset picture to look back on and recall sitting on the seawall with our best friends while eating our favorite ice cream. And it's true, pictures can capture that moment. But it is absolutely more important to actually be present in that moment. So, maybe take one picture (rather than 32 pictures to make sure you get the perfect one for Instagram), then put the phone away and enjoy the conversation
7. Count on only yourself.
In this world, we too often believe that other people are like us. We like to believe that they think, act and feel like us. But that is simply not true. Personally, when I make plans, I keep them. When I tell someone something, I mean it. And when I make a mistake, I admit it. However, this is not true for everyone. So, I've stopped being disappointed or even surprised when plans fall through, things said weren't meant, or responsibility cannot be taken. But I'm OK with that, and life has become a lot easier since I have accepted this.
8. Real talks with family and friends.
The company of friends and family is oftentimes fun and light-hearted, but I have found the importance of having the occasional serious conversation as well. It may be letting them know how much they mean to you, having a vent sesh, or talking about serious subjects and topics that are important to you. Real, true, genuine conversations create a deeper bond with that person and seem to help you understand one another better.
9. Understanding self worth.
To build off of point number seven in a way, it's important to understand your own self worth. At the end of the day you have to love yourself, be content with that person and stay true to that person. It's easy to compare yourself to others and to be too hard on yourself, but I promise, understanding and accepting yourself will make you a lot happier.
10. Don't stress too much over silly things.
Yes, grades are important, college loans are real and work can sometimes take over your life. But no matter how stressful life can get, remember to take a step back, breathe and realize that this is not the end of the world. Everything will always work out the way it's meant to be in the end.