While at home during the summer, I decided to revisit my high school yearbooks. Amidst the bad pictures and the sappy words scrawled on the pages, I saw pictures from my time in marching band. I had almost forgotten how much I had done in band. I played trumpet, French horn, marched with the mellophone, I played cymbals in drumline, I was drum major, and I was the only guy in color guard. In high school, I practically did everything in band except jazz band. Though I decided not to pursue marching band in college, there are just somethings that all band kids can relate to.
1. There is no such thing as "one more time."
You could possibly be dying in the heat, but it was always ONE MORE TIME.
2. The sight of spit no longer bothers you.
3. Marching in the pour rain.
It's the middle of your set and the rain comes pouring down. Though the plumes on the hats look like dead chickens and the silks stick to the flag, there is only one thing to do: KEEP MOVING FORWARD! (And that was how my band won their grand championship.)
4. When walking with someone, you find yourself walking in step.
5. You have no shame while changing in front of others.
Boys, girls, a centaur. It's all the same. Band uniforms are unflattering on everyone so taking them off is a relief.
6. Parade Marching is not nearly as fun as Field Marching.
7. The Band Geeks episode of Spongebob is GOLD.
Every band kid knows of this magical episode and there will never be a day that it is not funny! "I'll just tell them that you all died in a tragic marching accident."
8. There is still no rush like stepping out on the field for competition.
You'll never forget hearing the words "And now entering the field is...", followed by the list of directors, drum majors, color guard captains, and other important folks. Your heart begins to race and almost leap out of your chest after you're called to attention when the announcers says, "You may now enter the field for competition."
9. When somebody tries to make a “this one time at band camp” joke…
American Pie is the bane of a band kid's existence. Band camp is blood, sweat, and tears! Though what happens at band camp, stays at band camp.
10. Once in band, always in band.
Though it's been years since I stepped in the band room, I know that I am always welcomed back. I made some of my best friends in band. My band family will always be there for me with open arms and gallons of Blue Gatorade.
While some people were studying or playing sports, I was marching and tossing rifles into the air. I will always be grateful for the experiences and the memories that I have from marching band. I hope that the kids who are in it now are enjoying every minute of it and learning some of these same lessons.