One year ago today, I was preparing to take the most important test of my life, the NREMT exam. I ended up passing but after a little under a year in EMS I have learned quite a few things they don’t teach you in class. Here are 10 of them:
1. Best Job Ever
When I was working a special event, a little girl came up to me and asked for a Band-Aid. Cutest thing ever, little moments like that help me through the really dark ones.
2. Life Skills
It sounds really crazy, but if you can talk your way out of a corner with an angry and mentally impaired individual, you can talk to that cute girl in class.
3. You Can’t Cure Stupid
Forrest Gump once said, “Stupid is as stupid does”. He is so right. There is nothing you can do to keep people from doing stupid things. Most of the time, it was a simple mistake and I am honored to help patients and families through the most difficult times.
4. Driving
After sharing a road with drunk drivers at 2 am, you start to be able to predict what people will do on the road. Driving in bad weather becomes pretty normal too.
5. Not Everyone Showers
Sometimes I think it should be a felony not to shower. Not necessarily once a day, but at least once a month. Oh, and limit the number of cats owned, to the number fingers you have.
6. The Body Is Strong
I think most people would be surprised at what the human body can handle. Depending on the drug, people are invincible.
7. Iowa’s Mental Healthcare System Sucks
Mental health is a pretty big problem but there just aren’t enough beds in Iowa. I know the average Joe doesn’t see it, but trust me, there are a lot of people who aren’t getting help.
8. It Is Possible To Watch All Harry Potter Movies In One Day
I wish I was kidding but sometimes things are just really slow. You can’t make people call 911.
9. Just Like In Retail, You Have Regulars
You learn addresses and names. You will hear the address and already know what the complaint is. That is ok, the more patient contacts, the better the EMT.
10. Not Everyone Will Understand
This goes for all public safety jobs including Fire, EMS, PD, etc. Divorce rates are high because these professions require a level of selflessness not seen in most other careers. You can’t come home and talk about something stressful that happened. That takes a huge toll on the people around you and it takes a strong relationship to get through it all.