College teaches you to be book smart, but in my experience it also taught me other important life lessons and things I just needed to know. So as a recent graduate (class of 2016, raise your glass), I want to help you succeed those four years of college with some things I learned.
1. You’re never going to be 100 percent ready
This I learned early on. You won’t ever be 100 percent ready for that test in American History or for that all-nighter you’re going to pull for procrastinating all week, or even for that first date with the cutie you’ve been eyeing in the dining hall.
2. Late nights will be the best nights
No. I don’t mean drinking (though if that’s what you do during your late nights, be my guest). Staying up late with your friends can be great. Whether it’s a movie night or a random visit that last longer than expected, those will be the nights you remember and can talk about for years.
3. It’s OK to say no
When everyone else is going out and they invite you, but you’re not totally feeling it, it’s OK to decline. If they’re real friends, they won’t get mad at you for it. It’s also OK to say no to anything else you’re just not into. Yeah, college is a time to experience new things, but if you’re not sure about it, say no.
4. But say yes sometimes too
It’s OK to try that one thing that everyone else at home would judge you for. It’s OK to say yes to getting out of your comfort zone if it’s something you really want to try out. Some of my best moments in college came from trying something new.
5. Do you
If there’s one thing college taught me, it’s that I need to put myself first and do what makes me happy. You may lose some people who just don’t understand that, but that’s OK because you meet ones who do.
6. So don’t forget who your true friends are
They’re the ones who are there for the bad times, but they’re also supportive during the good times. They’re the ones you’re going to need when “doing you” takes a wrong turn and you need a little pick me up. So be good to them and make sure they’re good to you. Make sure they’re positive people.
7. And don’t forget to call home
This is important too. Your family misses you, and at some point you have to admit you miss them too. So check in on them every now and again. They’ll appreciate it and it’ll make being away from home easier.
8. It’s OK to let go
How I wish I learned this sooner. It’s OK to let go of those negative people you meet. Let me be the first to tell you that you will meet a lot of temporary people during college, and it’s OK to let them go. They will be fine, and more importantly you will be fine.
9. Change is good
College and change went hand-in-hand for me. I changed so much during my four years in college and so did my friends. We all grew up, went through some things, and naturally we changed. It’s all for the better too, so let those changes happen. Don’t be too scared that your life is moving in a different direction, because at the end, it’ll all be positive results.
10. Forget regret
If there’s anything you do, please forget the regret. You’re going to make mistakes and you’re going to screw up sometimes, but don’t let it eat you up inside. This is all a part of the college experience and that change I was talking about. Some mistakes you’ll learn from and others you’ll have fun doing, so make them, but don’t regret them later. Just learn from them.