2016 has been an interesting year for many of us, to say the least. But it's been an specially formative year for those of us who finally left home to try and make out way in the world. While I've actually learned hundreds, here's a shortlist of 10 lessons learned in 2016.
1) I should quit saying "sorry".
For saying what I think, how I feel, what I believe, anything. If people get uncomfortable because of it, then they're people I don't need in my life.
2) Being honest with my friend when they ask what what I think.
I'm clearly important to them if they want my opinion. So if I think the new beau is a complete scumbag, I'm going to say so.
3) Cut poisonous people off.
They are doing nothing to improve me as a person, so they don't deserve to be around me.
4) Dancing is best done a la Risky Business.
No pants, imaginary mic, and a solid wood floor is all I need for a concert.
5) My love life isn't ever going to be perfect.
It's always going to be "complicated" for some reason, so I'm just going to get comfortable in the grey area.
6) My sister is my best friend.
And I couldn't ask for a better one.
7) There's nothing wrong with sitting down to have a good cry.
Tears are nothing to be ashamed of, so long as I get up and face the world again.
8) My future is my own.
So I'm not going to let someone control my present. If that makes me look bossy to you, it's really not my problem.
9) No shame in eating the whole bag of pizza rolls.
Doesn't mean you should, but no one's gonna judge you for it either.
10) Hugs are the best.
'Nuff said.