I have a weird obsession with quotes. When going through high school I would look up random quotes about life, success, love, happiness, and whatever other subjects I could think of. These quotes helped me get through some tough teenage emotions. We know we all had those. The phrases would help me realize that I was not alone and was not the only person to ever feel a certain way. Some of my favorite quotes come from Lauren Conrad from the MTV show, "The Hills. " Although there are far more LC quotes, here are 10 that helped me incredibly throughout my teenage years and will continue to help me throughout my life.
LC inspires me to look back on my past and reflect positively instead of holding grudges and staying negative. We have all had those friendships that just fell apart. You want to blame someone for all the pain it caused, but the truth is no one is to blame. There is no point in holding onto the anger when you can look back and say to yourself, "at least we had fun while it lasted."
This is a lesson I had trouble learning. I am a social butterfly. I want everyone to like me and I truly want to trust and believe in the good in everyone. This just isn't realistic. Not everyone is going to get along and be a loyal friend to you and that's okay. It is important, however, to not surround yourself with those people. Realize the true friends you have and hold onto them. Treat them well. Be there for them. Don't hang onto friends because you feel popular, but because they have your back and you have theirs. Popularity loses its meaning as you grow up.
I love this quote because it tells people they are entitled to their emotions. If someone says something that makes you upset, the way you react is not over sensitive or over dramatic. You are entitled to the way someone makes you feel and always remember that.
Shoot for the stars. Honestly, if I were asked this question I would not answer the same way Lauren Conrad did, but it truly is powerful. Hold yourself to the highest expectations and work for everything you want and desire. Don't shoot low your whole life. Work hard and succeed greatly.
There are people in this world that you feel so comfortable with that you can and want to tell them everything about who you are, what made you that way, and what you dream for your future. Hold onto those people. Do not take them for granted. They don't come around often and are special.
My grandmother tells me all the time to not let anyone see me cry over them and never let a man make me cry because it just isn't worth the tears and definitely isn't worth my happiness. This quote is similar. Do not waste your time being upset about someone who isn't even thinking of you and your pain. It seems harsh, but it is such great advice. You are ruining your happiness over someone who isn't thinking twice about you which is unfair. So smile your way through the pain instead of letting some unimportant person bring you down.
You win some and you lose some. That is how life works. Whether you lose a friend, boyfriend/girlfriend, or simply don't get the job you desired, don't focus on the bad in your life. I promise there is so much good. Focusing on the good will help you make it through the bad times. Having the good people in your life will help in times of need. When you focus on the people or things you lose, it makes the people who are good to you feel as though they aren't good enough so remember the good and you will be happy.
You will make mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes. You will hurt people's feelings and people will get upset with you. This is all natural. However, when you call the same thing a mistake more than once it is not a mistake. Own up to your actions and realize you made a choice. Whether you hurt someone else or yourself, you made a choice not a mistake.
This one is self explanatory. It'll hit you one day and you won't be able to question it. Be patient. Don't force it. You will know.
Lastly, to wrap it all up, take a step back. Make a mental list, a physical list, or just think. What is important to you? What can you not live without? What drama is not important in your life? Who and what is worth your time and energy? Every once in a while it is important to figure these things out in order to continue being happy and relaxed in life. We are only here for so long and we shouldn't be wasting time and energy on negative aspects of our lives.
Thank you Lauren Conrad for all your amazing quotes and life lessons!! Stay happy, positive, and hold yourself to the highest standards!