In life there are just some things that we have to encounter in order for us to know for our own good. Our parents, friends, teachers, and maybe even a stranger on the street will warn us, but because we as humans are hard headed we have to face some bumps in the road on our own, in order to know not to ever take that route again. But it is these lessons that stick with us and make us into better people. Although you will probably have to experience your own life lessons here are 10 of mine that maybe I can save you from.
1. Everyone's Not Your Friend
For starters, this is the definitely the hardest lesson I had to learn. Not everyone who claims to be your friend has your best intentions. There are some people out there who will smile in your face and talk behind your back. Before opening up fully to people you don't truly take time to get to know them and their behavior.
2. Do Not Forge Important Signatures
Without going into specifics on how I encountered this lesson, just know that forging a signature of a professor, doctor, or anyone with importance is a no go. You could go to jail. You could get charges pressed against you. You could get thrown out of college. Just don't do it unless it's an occasional field trip permission slip that your forgot to get your parents to sign.
3. Your Parents Know Best
I know mom and pops seem like a bunch of talk and not much else at times, but for the most part your parents know best. They really do have your best intentions. Go with it. Trust them. They did raise you for 18 years.
4. Always Carry Chapstick
Unless you wanna be stranded for a couple hours with a burning sensation on your mouth and the feeling that your lips are going to fall off then go ahead and invest in that carmex, blistex, eos, etc.
5. Don't Lie
Do not tell a fib even if it seems easier. It won't be in the long run. Your dishonesty will catch up with you and you will end up looking like Pinocchio in the long run.
6. Drink Water
Although it's probably not your first choice or the most satisfying drink on this planet, drink water. It's good for your health, your face, your breath, honestly everything. So just suck it up and drink that gallon every day.
7. Boys Still Have Cooties
No matter how much taller, cuter, and older they get, boys will always have cooties. Sometimes they stinkin' suck. But the real lesson in this is that you should never shed a tear over a boy.
8. Don't Take Good Friends For Granted
Good friends are really hard to find, so don't let the ones you do have slip through your grasp because you don't make the time for them. Remember you make time for things you love.
9. It's Okay To Not Know What You're Doing
You're not always gonna know what you're supposed to be doing in life and that okay. It's okay to wander. It's okay to explore. The only way to find out who we really are is by discovering what we love and what we hate. Take time for yourself to find out who you truly are.
10. Don't Compare Yourself To Others
You are the only you on this planet and that is something special. Always be you. Always love yourself and never try to be something you're not.