I have two little brothers. One is 16, the other just turned 10 not too long ago. I’m obsessed with them. I would kill for them without a second thought. They are my prized possessions, my greatest treasures, my pride and joy.
They are also the most annoying creatures that have ever walked on the face of this planet, and probably every other planet in the neighboring galaxies. The latter is up for debate as I haven’t been to any other galaxies lately, but there is a good chance.
Regardless if my hugs are loving or if they look like a strangle, being the oldest child has taught me a lot of life lessons that I’m sure many other oldest siblings can relate to. Here are some things I've learned, plus some really old pictures of my favorite people. Let the embarrassment commence.
1. Rules that applied to you don’t necessarily apply to them.
You had a bedtime of 9 p.m. Homework had to be done before you could watch TV. Chores were set. By kid three, your parents are probably over it.
2. Sometimes you feel like the parent.
Both of my parents work full-time. There was a car seat in the back of my car until my youngest brother didn’t need it anymore. You pack lunches and pick them up after school. It’s kind of fun sometimes.
3. You’re stronger than you think you are.
Mentally and physically. You have to deal with them whining on the drive home. You also have to get into a fight because they’re being mean to your mom. Teen angst, am I right?
4. There’s always something to steal.
I share shirts with the 10-year-old. I wear the 16-year-old’s sweatshirts. Why do I even waste my money buying clothes?
5. There’s always someone to do something with.
When you’re bored and everyone is busy, you pack up your siblings and head out to get food.
6. There’s always someone in the bathroom.
And you will continue to pound on the door until they come out.
7. You know you’re the favorite.
Your parents are probably equally irritated with all of you, but you know you’re the favorite still. I mean, I know I’m the favorite.
8. You’re not bossy. You’re the boss.
Someone has to handle the situation, and it’s going to be you.
9. You’re the example. Act like it.
I graduated high school, went to college, and get good grades so my brothers know what they’re capable of. It’s not always easy and it’s not always fun, but while you were looking up to celebrities, they’re looking up to you.
10. You have built-in best friends.
You’re stuck with me for life, buddy. I’ve got your back and you've got mine. There are few people in your life who are like your siblings. They are there with you through the good times and the bad, whether they like it or not. You love them even when you hate them, and that’s how you know you’re related.