1. Changing the toilet paper.
Because getting a new roll, putting it on and recycling the old roll is way too long of a process.
2. Sleeping with your makeup on.
And you wonder why you break out ... If there is one lesson to teach our daughters, this is one.
3. Finding the TV Remote.
Kick back, relax and oh no ... the remote is halfway across the room. Nope, way too far, so instead you settle for the workout infomercial.
4. Riding the elevator to the second floor.
Don't make eye contact because people are definitely judging your walking ability.
5. Making food.
When you are really hungry, you take a nap because its a lot easier than making food.
6. Dirty dishes.
I once threw away like three dishes because each one was too dirty. Not enough strength to power wash. Please be disgusted. I deserve it.
7. Holding your pee.
You will hold your pee for hours while sleeping just because the walk to the bathroom is way too much work. It's usually the uncomfortable feeling of your bladder beginning to burst that gives you the motivation to make the trek.
8. Skipping class.
Ten minutes to make it to class? Nope, not gonna happen. You are taking a personal day (minus the guilt).
9. Washing your sheets.
Has it been two months? Really? You're kidding ...
10. Replacing batteries.
Just accept it. It's not going to happen today.