4. Always Loud & Never Boring | The Odyssey Online
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10 Facts All People In A Large Family Can Confirm During The Holiday Season

The holiday season can be the best and most stressful time of the year, especially when more people are involved.

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The holidays are full of lights, sweets, sweaters, and your favorite movies. There's nothing quite like this period from the beginning of December through January. Christmas, Hanukkah, and New Years. The fun of it all.

I don't know about you but with my large Italian family something is always going on during this season. It can be the most wonderful time of the year while also being the most hectic. These are a few things you know if your family is anything like mine during this time.

1. The Family Traditions

Every family has their own types of traditions whether they realize it or not. In my family, we have a specific day that we set aside for the whole family to get together and make Italian fig cookies called "cuccidatis." It's an old Italian tradition that has been passed throughout the family and we've never once skipped a year.

2. Enough food for an actual army

There is food for days. Full stomachs. Leftovers. SO. MUCH. FOOD. It is hard to fathom how much there is to feed your miniature army-size family.

3. Never enough space

With all those beloved family members, it can get a little too crowded. Not enough seats. Always around someone. It can be crazy.

4. Always Loud & Never Boring

Let's be honest here. The room is probably silent only before guests arrive. Then the volume skyrockets. They'll always be some conversation you can pop into.

5. Parties. Parties. Parties.

Again, if your family is anything like mine, they like to host A LOT. Every week there's some dinner party or get-together that you need to dress up for. And when you're in college you need to make sure you pack enough outfits for it all.

6. Scheduling

With a large group of people, you have to plan accordingly to fit everyone's schedule and make everyone happy. It can be a tiresome chore when you are the one hosting.

7. Travelling

With a large family, there will be someone traveling during the craziest airport season. This time of year, airports are like second homes to some people when they are traveling. And don't even get me started on all the plane rides.

8. The family members you see once a year

Oh, the family members you see once a year... or every blue moon. They just pop up and add more to the list. Although it makes the numbers grow, it's always fun to see old family members and catch up.


Throughout this season, you and your family may catch up on the year's events — elections, celebrities, scientific inquiries, who had a baby, who got married, whatever is your jam. However, with all that news, you catch up on the drama of the family. Oh, the family gossip. A large family comes with a larger amount of drama that is sure to never run dry.

10. The questions about life

As a college student, this may be the most dreaded part of family gatherings. The questions of what do you plan to do with your future. Are you dating anyone? Do you want to get married? How's college going? What were your grades? SO. MANY. QUESTIONS.

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