Stereotypes aside, the public library, or any university library is home to an innumerable amount of characters. This is shocking to most, because it's been learned in all of us for the library to be a setting for homogenous action -- that is -- studying, and a lot of it.
But now a days, with the advent of the computer as the primary medium for scholastic (and non-scholastic) engagement, it wouldn't surprise many to see someone defy the stereotypes therein. So with out further adieu, the 10 kinds of people you're bound to see in the sanctum of study time.
1. The "YouTuber"
This person can be streaming anything from a commencement address at your local community college to watching guys jump out of planes with dolphin blow ups -- just as long as they're pretending like they're doing work.
2. The "I Have A Book With A Phone Inside Of It" Guy
This is the person that tweets that they're at the library, then stares blankly into the wall for five minutes, doesn't look at his (her) book at all, then after five minutes, will check the tweet only to see it got no favorites. Boo Hoo.
3. The "Music Guru"
This person will make it their life goal to read To Kill a Mockingbird, yet be in the everlasting pursuit of that perfect playlist to do so. They tend to fill their iTunes library with Indie Rock, Alternative, that weird grassroots country that everyone else doesn't enjoy and the occasional dubstep song that everyone needs to hear.
4. The "Mr./Mrs. 4.0"
"You wish you could have a 4.0 like me!!" is the only thought racing through their mind as they conquer Mastering Biology, as they think everyone is looking over at them, with the subtle thought that "this person's got a 4.0, cool." Yet meanwhile, no one cares, as they relish, completely alone, in the never-ending rows of books that belong only to them.
5. The "Group Project Leader"
They show up first and are the last to leave. They give 110% only to be brought down a whole letter grade by the person who doesn't care enough to show up to class anyway. We feel your pain, brother/sister.
6. The "Slacker"
This person makes you want to be a better person, he (or she) really does. They crawl in half hungover, still stumbling through the doorway, with no indication of where to go when their group tells him (or her), "Standish Room, 3rd Floor" or "IMC" or "President's Reading Room." These are all things UAlbany students should know; but don't get your hopes up.
7. The "I Hate My Dorm, But I Have Nowhere Else To Go Because It's Not Lunch Time" Guy
Eat a snickers. Read a damn book.
8. The Habitual "Class to Library to Class to Library" Pathological Study Guy
This person loves studying, reading, and doing homework. They only go to their dorm room to sleep and they frankly don't care if their roommate thinks they're missing so long as they're getting a decent enough grade to justify it.
9. The "Y'all Know Why I'm Here" Guy
So this is the person with the 1.3 GPA that needs to pick it up. You know who they are and they know who they are. They don't care on Friday and Saturday, but they also didn't care Sunday through Thursday either, until they got that phone call. This person is doing their best to get their stuff together and they won't take "no" for an answer, as long as that "no" is said between Monday and Thursday.
10. The "Spongebob Writing An Essay" Guy
For six hours, then gives up to play video games.
Sure, most of these aren't the conventional student that we'd want to see in our peers and no, you do not have to line up exactly with any or all of them, but you should, at least, just know that you're somewhere in between.