10 Kids You Grew Up With, As Told By "Trailer Park Boys" | The Odyssey Online
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10 Kids You Grew Up With, As Told By "Trailer Park Boys"

TPB shows that the child in us lives on no matter where we go or how old we grow.

10 Kids You Grew Up With, As Told By "Trailer Park Boys"

Whether it was in the suburbs of Wisconsin or a sequestered trailer park community in Canada, growing up you probably ran into a variety of interesting characters. These might have included the oddballs, goofballs, bozos and boneheads with maybe a klutz or dunce thrown in there somewhere. Prepare to relive those experiences because unless you grew up in Mister Rogers' Neighborhood, you're about to encounter some familiar faces down memory lane.

1. "The Lingerer"

You spent time with this person purely because they lived a few doors down and your other friends were either on vacation or grounded. But when the time came for you two to part, they didn't get the hint and followed you home until you had to lie to them about your mom's policy on allowing friends inside your house.

2. "The Entrepreneur"

Always devising money-making schemes, this kid would always have a pocket full of change from their commitment to selling their parents' stuff in the streets. They've also established a monopoly on lawn care around the neighborhood, leaving you no way to make money so you could buy Pokemon cards.

3. "The Shirtless Tornado"

Four Pop-Tarts and a Mountain Dew later and this kid is hustling around the neighborhood screaming at the top of their lungs. You'd see them for a few minutes before they were already down the street outrunning cars and vaulting over mailboxes.

4. "The Role Players"

The creative bunch were always living in a fantasy. Whether it was playing space or fighting invisible foes with sticks, they could keep themselves busy and happy for hours without being distracted by Apple products.

5. "The Outsider"

You and your friends had a close group and anyone who wasn't a clear fit was efficiently dealt with.

6. "The Future Serial Killer"

This little shit was always trying to start fights or steal your stuff. They were someone you'd dream about being punished like one of the punk brats from Willy Wonka's Death Factory. (You MUST watch that video).

7. "The Nunchuck Kid"

Perhaps your only protection from #6, this cargo-short crusader would sometimes just appear up in a tree somewhere, scanning the neighborhood for danger. If their mom ever let them, they'd upgrade to ninja stars and then nobody would be safe.

8. "The People Pleaser"

There was always that one kid who you could rely on to do any crazy thing you or your friends could come up with. This included ding-dong ditch at the psycho lady's house, making a snow angel in their underwear, laying just under the bike jump you were about to try for the first time, and of course belching on command.

9. "The Fearless Leader"

Always organizing games of capture the flag and kick the can, this kid could gather everyone from the neighborhood and set all of the rules boundaries. The only issue was they always got to be king-caller.

10. "The Wisecracker"

If you remember this kid, you'll recall how they were always cracking wise and talking back to adults, making you laugh endlessly with their amusing antics. This gut-buster had no fear and would cross any line for a laugh. Know what I'm sayin'?

You don't have to live in a trailer park to witness the endless variety of personalities this world has to offer. As many of us have grown up, we've lost touch with a lot of the people that helped make our childhood as captivating as a TV show. But what "Trailer Park Boys" shows us is that the child in us lives on no matter where we go or how old we grow.

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