1. In 2006, an Australian man attempted to sell New Zealand on eBay.
2. There is a volcano in Indonesia that looks as if it has blue lava. The flames from the lava actually become blue as they react from the high amounts of sulfur on the mountain.
3. The substance that looks like snow capping the mountains on the planet Venus is actually metal.
4. The gigantic California Redwoods actually need periodic forest fires in order to thrive. Their seed pods only open in extreme heat, forest fires kill off the competing underbrush and the trees have at least a foot of spongy fire resistant bark to protect them from the flames.
5. People can musically hallucinate- hear music that isn't there. It actually happens quite often among the hearing impaired and individuals with Alzheimer's disease or dementia.
6. Scientists have hypothesized that mitochondria was originally a fully functional and self-sustaining organism that lived in the open earth, outside of animal cells.
7. Ivan Pavlov, known for his work with canines that led to the psychological concepts of classical conditioning actually sold the dogs' gastric juices to people. It was thought that the juices helped with digestion. People drank Pavlov's dogs' gastric juices.
8. At one point in the 1300s, Catholicism had three popes.
9. The United States is not a Democracy. It is a Republic.
10. In humans, females have roughly 9.5 times more white matter in their brains than males, while males have roughly 6.5 times more grey matter. So, if the brain was a computer, women would have more connections between the computer chips and software, but men would have more of the chips and software, but less connections between them.