Taking a shot in the dark, I could guess that most college students have an Instagram, and their time on it varies between 'checking it on occasion' to 'posting everyday, then checking every couple minutes to get a count on the number of likes.' Since Instagram has become such a staple among young adults, many accounts are popping up that cater to the college lifestyle, and are helpful resources to keep students updated on their communities and learn some tips and tricks for how to live independently. Considering these accounts are started and followed by college campuses nationwide, I decided to narrow my focus to accounts that cater to CU students living in Boulder, CO. If you would like a list for your campus specifically or want some general college campus Instagrams to follow, let me know in the comments section below. Happy Insta-ing!
1. @targetdoesitagain
Household shopping naturally becomes a low priority in college, especially for students living in the dorms or Greek housing. This means it can get stressful when students find a place to live independently and have to start thinking about budgeting and shopping for the household. This instagram account is great for students who don’t have a lot of time to research deals or cut coupons, because it posts the latest deals and their prices with every post! A fair warning though, as the account also shows the house decor and clothing on sale – so make sure to spend within your means.
2. @bouldergrub
Boulder as an urban metropolis is well known for its fine dining establishments; however, those pricey culinary spots are not always realistic for hungry college students. Instead, check out this instagram account for ideas on where to find affordable grub or, you know, just to look at the food! This account is great because it features spots catering to the college appetite (and budget), but it also mentions some high-end dining spots where you can impress visiting parents, or take a college love interest.
3. @boulderlife
You ever wonder what’s going on in your city outside of college life? Well, check out this account to keep updated on the daily life of Boulderites and what’s happening in and around the town. This instagram is great because it showcases the beauty of Boulder and all the wonderful things you can do here, besides just being in school. It’s inspiring with all the hiking photos of the Flatirons, and makes you feel connected to the community with all the locals on Pearl Street. A great account for reaching out!
4. @collegeculture
This instagram is for a quick laugh and something to send to your friends with the caption “So true,” or, “Me IRL.” Don’t take this account too seriously, but I still suggest following it for a good pick-me-up when midterms and school work has you stressed! College can be a hectic time, so rely on this account for daily funnies and relatable posts to keep yourself focused!
5. @cubuffs
Keep up with CU athletics and enter instagram contests to win some serious college swag! This account is good for staying updated on the dates for games and getting to see student athletes behind the scenes. It also posts shout-outs for CU alumni who have gone on to play professional sports and made Boulder proud. This instagram is both inspiring and informative, so if you want to stay updated on CU sports, then I highly recommend it!
6. @cuboulderstudyabroad
Want to feel inspired to study abroad, or just love travel pictures? Well, this instagram is full of eye-catching posts submitted by CU students, and is the perfect account for those considering studying abroad or feeling extra nostalgic. Its also a great reference place for students who are studying abroad and want some ideas on where to travel to.
7. @budgetbytes
“Making delicious food on the cheap.” No sentence has ever been sweeter to a college student than that... or, you know, “Free tuition!” This instagram is all about cooking with fresh ingredients, making healthy dishes, and doing it all on a budget. Even if your parents are helping you out with expenses in college you are probably not going to eat at Chipotle everyday, so this account is great for those nights when you’d rather cook for yourself, and within your means. These recipes are great to share with roommates, as you can buy and cook in bulk then split the bill later, or serve to a group of friends without worrying about rent checks.
8. @collegenutritionist
Learning how to properly budget meals doesn’t mean eating $2 burrito specials every night. This account offers healthy alternatives to typical college meals and gives advice on dietary foods young adults should be adding to their food. Mixed in with advice on food nutrition is also inspirational posts to get students feeling good and positive. This instagram is for the student who wants to stay fit despite all the temptations of cheap food, as well as stay on track with their healthy lifestyles.
9. @thebabyanimals
What’s the last thing you want to think about after taking a midterm? Probably that you just took a midterm. Instead, browse this adorable account for shameless photos of baby animals being cute and stuff. Yes, it may sound a little juvenile, but studies have shown that cute things lower stress levels – so feel free to overload on pictures of puppies in little jackets. This account is not just good for lowering stress after a big test or project, but it is always a great pick-me-up to start the day with something cute!
10. @starbucks.secretsmenu
Hope you check out these Instagram accounts and make sure to check in next week for more college lifestyle hacks!