10 Instagram Accounts All Animal Lovers Must Follow Now | The Odyssey Online
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10 Instagram Accounts All Animal Lovers Must Follow Now

Making it even easier to look at pictures of animals all day.

10 Instagram Accounts All Animal Lovers Must Follow Now
Anorah Seita

The internet is a marvelous invention. The amount of information at our fingertips is mind-blowing, but with all the possibilities, sometimes it's easy to forget what really matters in life. If you're anything like me, looking at pictures of dogs and cats is your number one priority. So here's a list of 10 Instagram accounts for all you animal lovers out there.

1. This Adventurous Dude: loki_the_wolfdog

Loki and his owner explore the great outdoors together, and the photos are stunning. This is an account that's great for those who love looking at nature photos. The relationship Loki has with his owner really gives you the warm fuzzies, and we could all use more love in our lives.

2. These Misunderstood Babies: sophiegamand

Photographer Sophie Gamand creates portraits of pitbulls wearing flower crowns to end the stigma that they're dangerous dogs. One look at their precious faces and I know they're not dangerous! Most of these dogs also have a backstory to them, and it's interesting to read about their journey.

3. This Goofy Girl: marniethedog

Marnie is a senior dog who was adopted from a shelter after being found on the streets. Now she's happier than ever living in New York City, and that tongue and head tilt are impossible to resist. This pup can put a smile on my face even in the worst moods.

4. These Handsome Guys: thedogist

This account is a series of photographs of dogs being walked on the street. There's a little story that goes along with the picture so you get a sense of the dog's personality. There's a variety of breeds featured and the photos are very nicely done.

5. This Helpful Pooch: helper_dog_harlow

This golden is a service dog in training for her owner who has an assortment of chronic illnesses. Harlow is adorable and smart, and the account chronicles how she helps her owner with everyday tasks. The aim is to entertain and bring more awareness about the importance of service dogs.

6. These Feisty Felines: bodegacatsofinstagram

So maybe dogs aren't really your thing. That's okay, there are plenty of other animals for you to look at on the internet. Here's an account featuring kitties that enjoy chilling around Brooklyn grocery stores. They're delightful and never at all in the way.

7. These Existential Fluffballs: felinesofny

The theme of this account is basically Humans of New York, but with cats. Why am I here? What if I never catch that laser beam? Sometimes I have this strong urge to like...knock stuff over.

8. This Pink Lady: estherthewonderpig

Esther is a pig that her family thought was a micro-pig. Nope, she weighs over 500 pounds and lives in the house with her humans. She is completely charming and kinda makes me feel guilty for liking bacon so much.

9. This Wild Child: juniperfoxx

Juniper is a tame fox and definitely makes for a unique pet. Her antics are hilarious and entertaining, and while even a tame fox is a handful to take care of, we can still admire her cuteness and marvel at her domesticity.

10. This Ball Of Awesome: mr.pokee

Mr. Pokee is a brilliant name for a hedgehog and this little guy is just so cool. I mean, look at those little feet. The aesthetic of this account is appealing as well, and all the photos have a calming feel to them.

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