We all know, midterms suck. You know what sucks even more? Finals. So, get ahead and learn how to prepare yourself for every obstacle you come across in college. You got this. Wake up, kick some midterm ass and repeat. Here are some inspirational quotes to lead you through the way with some motivation when you're just about to explode from all that midterm stress:
Yeah it's horrible. Just wake up, kick some ass, maybe take a nap or two (you'll need it), study, and repeat.
Push yourself, you are the only one who can benefit yourself by pushing yourself to do things you never thought you could do. Keep going, and you will reach success.
If you can't figure out something you're studying for, go to plan B. Ask a friend, a tutor or even your professor. To show some interest and concern with something that you're not understanding will show that you're trying. There's nothing to lose.
Come on, who is better at quotes than Dr. Seuss? He guided you when you were little and he will help guide you when you're in college. Take in his wise words of wisdom and live by them.
Don't give up yet. Just because something is hard does not mean there is no way out of it. There are always opportunities, you just need to figure out what opportunities are available.
Alright, let's say that you just did not-so-great on your first midterm. Hey, it's not the end of the world. Every college kid can tell you that. We can also tell you that it can only be an easier day tomorrow, so just strive to kill that next midterm. Believe in yourself.
Albert Einstein. Listen to him. Enough said.
You need motivation. Create that motivation.
Set fire to the flames like Adele once said? Yeah, that's about it. Work as hard as you can and you just may.
Look for the positive in it all. You can do this.