9 Inspirational Quotes To Get You Through Recruitment
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9 Inspirational Quotes To Get You Through Recruitment

9 Inspirational Quotes To Get You Through Recruitment

It's that time of year again. No, not tailgate season, darty season or the holiday season; it's recruitment season. This will be my first recruitment on the other side of the curtain, but from what I've heard, it can get hellish. No sleep coupled with incessant smiling, chanting and talking to hundreds of girls whose names you have to somehow remember isn't what most people would deem enjoyable. But, at the end of all of the craziness, you get to watch a group of fifty-some girls run towards you with open arms and so much love for your sorority they seem like they could burst. That's what makes work week and recruitment worth it. However, in the midst of ceaseless hours of practicing, preforming and outfit check after outfit check, it can be hard to remember why you're putting yourself through what seems like straight insanity. So, rather than let my fellow sorority women flounder, want to die and/or down seventy bottles of pinot noir every single day, I thought I would provide some inspirational quotes to motivate us through work week and beyond. So, take a deep breath ladies, put down your "grape juice" and let these quotes soothe your weary recruitment-ridden soul.

1. "I smile because you're my sister; I laugh because there's nothing you can do about it." Sometimes tensions run high this time of year. Sisters get annoyed at each other; it happens. But just remember, even if they're annoyed, they're stuck with you. For life. *cue evil laugh*

2. "We may not have it all together, but together we have it all." Trying to handle sleepless nights and making your recruitment game perfect will be enough to make you feel like a hot mess. You have no idea how you're going to get it together by Spirit Day. But everyone always does, and it's because sisters band together to become the ultimate recruitment dream team. Not because they're perfect, but because they have a "there's no 'I' in team" mentality. And when you and your dream team work like you never have before, those PNMs will think, and I may be paraphrasing, "#squadgoals." So worth it.

3. "You is kind, you is smart, you is important." When those pre-and-during recruitment blues hit, it can be hard to remember your self-worth. Between thoughts of not being good enough for your rush crush/dream Little and just feeling like you aren't being perky/funny/intelligent/sweet/entertaining enough to make PNMs remember and bond with you, it's tempting to just crawl into your bed and pretend the world doesn't exist. But never forget that you were good enough for your sorority, and most of these girls have seen you at your worst by now. You're definitely enough in terms of handling PNMs.

4. "Not always sunny, but always in a sunny state of mind." Lilly Pulitzer wasn't just a fashion genius, she was a wise woman, too, as shown by this quote. Work week and recruitment isn't all bid day happiness. It can get intense. Storm clouds can hit. But if you keep positive, and look towards that happy moment of embracing your new members, it can make those clouds seem a little less dark.

5. "You must always have faith in people. And most importantly, you must always have faith in yourself." Ah, Elle Woods. She may or may not be my spirit animal. But I digress. When things get stressful during the two or three weeks of work week and recruitment, it can be hard to have faith in the process, and sometimes your sisters and yourself. But you and these girls have gotten through much worse and come out on top. You have to trust in them. And this process, though borderline crazy, works. So trust in that, too.

6. "Sisters leave footprints on your heart." Even if those footprints feel like the nude heels they requested for recruitment just stabbed you in the heart because they criticized your bumping skills. They still love you, and help make you a better recruiter and person in general. I'd rather have those heels imprinted there than nothing at all (as long as they're cute, of course).

7. "Always remember: you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think." When things get dark and you don't think you'll ever see the light at the end of the recruitment tunnel, you must dig deep. You are courageous, tough and intelligent. You have that in you, somewhere. It may be hidden by loads of emotional scarring from work week, but it's there. Rub on some Mederma and push through. You can handle this.

8. "Here’s to nights that turned into mornings, with the friends who turned into family." Work week and recruitment consist of a lot of insomnia. This can drive some crazy, but it can also lead to some serious bonding with your sisters. Probably because you're all so tired you've become slap happy, but it happens. And it'll be beautiful, bags under the eyes and all.

9. "I am not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today." Recruitment and work week make you strong. You no longer have fear about most things, because you've made it to hell and back. There's no fear in your heart of what tomorrow will bring. Unless tomorrow involves an email from standards. Then you're welcome to be scared.

All humor and joking aside, I know recruitment will get hard. I know I will probably be reduced to tears at least once. But my sisters, and the sisters I will gain from it, make it all worthwhile. Even in the lowest, most drained of moments, I hope the rest of my fellow sorority women realize that, too.

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