These days, all we see on Instagram and Twitter are people praising "perfect" bodies and women bragging about their "perfect" lives. This brings a lot of people down because, in reality, that is not how life is. While our social media is full of this, there are multiple women in show business that have shown us to step up and stand out and love ourselves for who we are.
1.Cardi B
Former stripper but now one of the best female rappers in the country, Cardi B shows us the unfiltered side of her life. Using her social media platforms, Cardi B shows us the raw moments of her life, including during her pregnancy. She does not sugar coat anything and she is one of the most real people out there. She also shows us how to live the best type of life without worrying about other people's opinions, okkuuuurrr!
2. Hayley Kiyoko
Hayley Kiyoko is dubbed as the "Lesbian Jesus." Famous for her music and her role in "Lemonade Mouth," Hayley Kiyoko expresses her sexuality openly in her music which helps other women feel more accepted and comfortable with themselves. She shows us to not worry about what other people think and love who you love!
3. Anne Hathaway
Anne Hathaway has always been an icon for women, but recently, Anne Hathaway told Ellen that she was insecure about her body, specifically her butt. However, while on the set of "Ocean's 8," Anne told Ellen that Rihanna saw her on set and immediately complimented Anne Hathaway on her body. Ever since Anne has graced us with confidence and class on social media. All women need to be like Rihanna and Anne!
4. Beyoncé
Beyoncé will always be the queen as every year, she shows us how she can come back from any problem and will stay on top. She uses her platform to show her fans that she does not care about any of the negative comments thrown at her because of her personal life and the way she takes care of her kids shows us that family is important and one of the things you need to succeed and be happy in life.
5. Tiffany Haddish
Tiffany Haddish has risen to the top since her role in the 2017 film Girls Trip, and her personality and attitude is the reason we keep watching her today. Tiffany has always stuck by her roots and is very open on her social media platforms about her daily life, including telling us about the time Drake stood her up on a date!
6. Emma Watson
Emma Watson has used her platform to fight for women's rights and education since the beginning. She created the HeforShe Campaign which advocates for gender equality in all fields and also works with Time's Up, an organization to help women who have felt injustice in the workplace through discrimination, harassment, or abuse. Emma Watson, along with other advocates of these two campaigns, has inspired many women to stand up in the face of unfairness and injustice.
7. Constance Wu
Constance Wu will be the female lead in the movie "Crazy Rich Asians," but that is not the only thing she has graced us with. Constance has always been an advocate and taught us to speak out if something does not sit well. She is not afraid to address Asian American representation and sexual harassment. She also believes that speaking up is more important than losing a job which should be every person's motto in for now on!
8. Serena Williams
Serena Williams is definitely goals of motherhood. Through all the negativity thrown at her as many people believe she should stop playing Tennis now that she has started a family, Serena has stood out and stays as one of the top tennis players in the world. She showed these people that women can do anything a man can do, even if she has children. If a man can do it, women can too!
9. Rihanna
While Rihanna did show us how women need to uplift other women like she did with Anne Hathaway on the set of Ocean's 8, she has done a lot more for women through her business, Fenty Beauty. Her line of cosmetics promotes inclusion of all women of all shades. With 40 shades, more and more women are able to partake in something they love without feeling as if there is nothing for them.
10. Ellen Degeneres
Ellen Degeneres has always been an activist for gay rights and was one of the first women to come out in show business. She has inspired many others to come out. She also inspires us to be nice to one another through her countless moments of good deeds she performs on her talk show.