As Thanksgiving break approaches, we college students are all excited to be going home, but not particularly excited for the inevitable onslaught of interrogative questions. So here are 10 questions bound to be asked by relatives this holiday season, and their answers, as told by Leslie Knope.
1. How's school going?
Please don't ask this question. My professors frustrate me, I constantly have homework, and I am exhausted always.
2. Keeping up on your school work?
Yes, but waffles and fun times with friends are infinitely more important.
3. Are you ready for finals?
I don't even want to think about this impending doom, let alone have to converse about it.
4. Are you taking care of yourself?
I mean probably not, but I'm still alive so really everything is fine.
5. Getting enough sleep?
Definitely not. Between class, work, homework, and anything else I may want to do I definitely do not sleep enough.
6. Eating well?
I survive on carbs and sugar.
7. Are you dating anyone?
I'm focusing on my education right now because it will never wake up one day and tell me it doesn't love me anymore.
8. How are your stress levels?
My stress levels are through the roof, but if I tell myself that I'm calm, I'll be calm.
9. Are you excited to be home?
I am, but please leave me in peace to gorge myself on mashed potatoes while watching the Gilmore Girls revival.
10. Who did you vote for?
This topic is not up for conversation.