Going to college can be nerve racking. After all, only a couple months ago you were still raising your hand to ask to use the bathroom. Now it is the big leagues, and they can be intimidating. This new and exciting chapter in your life should be spent making memories and focusing on your studies. Here are 11 essentials to starting off your college career, and making the most out of it!
1. It's okay to be nervous
Everyone has this persona that college is the time of your life and this is where you make lifelong friends. Yes, this is true in some aspects. Although, if you aren’t making these friends right off the bat, it's okay! You have plenty of time. Give it time, you will find you niche.
2. Switching your major is okay
Its hard to know what you want to do for the rest of your life when you are just 18. Switching your major is more common than not, and it's perfectly acceptable. Just really think about the best choice for you and your own happiness.
3. Embrace independence
Even if you consider yourself independent before college, this is a whole new level of independence. Your parents and best friends aren’t always going to be there now. You have to make crucial decisions on your own and think situations fully through.
4. "Hollywood college" does not exist
Get this 'party, grades don’t matter' foolery out of your mind. Yeah, have fun, but focus on your education. After all, that’s why your there.
5. Get involved
If there is one thing I could change about my first year it would be that I had gotten more involved. This can be great networking, help to make friends, and just all around make your college experience better.
6. Don't worry too much about disconnecting from high school friends
This is what breaks and summer are for, to catch up with friends! Thankfully our generation is glued to their phones, so your high school friends are only a text away.
7. Try to get a job on campus
This can be another way to get involved, and get paid! Apply for some positions as long as they do not cut into your studies. It could end up being really helpful to you, especially if the job pertains to your major.
8. Do not stress the small stuff
Prioritize and try your best not to procrastinate. Give yourself time to get your work done. Procrastination can leave you very stressed.
9. Make connections
It seems very early, but get to know professors and faculty. They can greatly help you if you in the long run.
10. The "freshman fifteen"
This is a thing, but don't let it be. Exercising and eating healthy are crucial to your success. It is okay to indulge once in awhile, but think about what is best for your body.
11. Lastly, do not take yourself too seriously
Focus on school but don’t forget to have fun. Live a little because after college it's the real real world, and it can be harsh.
I hope my advice was helpful to all incoming freshman! If you are attending Misericordia University, you definitely have an amazing year ahead of yourself!