10 Houseplants To Banish Your Anxiety | The Odyssey Online
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10 Houseplants To Banish Your Anxiety

Every person should have these.

10 Houseplants To Banish Your Anxiety
Sunset Magazine

House plants serve as a quick and easy way to brighten up any room in your home. We all know that plants are great for getting more oxygen flowing through your space. But did you know that certain house plants can even help reduce anxiety and depression? I've compiled a list of some of the best house plants to ease mental distress!

1. Lavender

How it helps: Comes from the mint family and is used in aromatherapy to reduce stress, lower heart rates, calm agitated babies, and improve sleep quality.

How to grow: Requires a period outside, well-drained soil, direct light.

Difficulty: Moderate.

2. Jasmine

How it helps: Improves sleep quality, helps to feel more alert when you wake up, clears thinking for emotional regulation.

How to grow: Needs direct sunlight and moist soil during the summer and spring, prune after blooming season.

Difficulty: Easy.

3. Rosemary

How it helps: Also a member of the mint family; improves air quality, increases memory function, banishes anxiety.

How to grow: Must become acclimated to less sunlight, never let soil dry out completely, susceptible to powdery mildew.

Difficulty: Hard.

4. Aloe Vera

How it helps: Most powerful air purifier in the world, removes formaldehyde and benzene from the air, better air quality reduces stress.

How to grow: Requires minimal attention or water, nicknamed the "plant of immortality."

Difficulty: Easy.

5. Chrysanthemum

How it helps: When made into a tea it reduces stress, treats high blood pressure, chest pain, fever, type 2 diabetes, headache, swelling, and dizziness.

How to grow: Position it somewhere that will give it plenty of natural sunlight and little artificial light at night, water regularly and under the leaves to prevent fungus.

Difficulty: Easy.

6. English Ivy

How it helps: Calms allergies and asthma, removes formaldehyde

from the air, promotes calm sleep.

How to grow: Bright light, keep it slightly on the dry side, very regular fertilizing, excellent drainage.

Difficulty: Moderate.

7. Snake Plant

How it helps: Improves energy levels, headaches, breathing problems, eye irritation.

How to grow: Free draining soil, indirect sunlight, dry out between waterings, not too much water.

Difficulty: Easy.

8. Bamboo Palm

How it helps: On NASA's list of best air purifiers, cleans the air of benzene and trichloroethylene, immune booster, anti-inflammatory, conducts energy to brighten up the room.

How to grow: Lots of water, shade or indirect sunlight.

Difficulty: Moderate.

9. Dracaena

How it helps: Removes benzene, carbon dioxide, trichloroethylene, formaldehyde, promotes easy airflow while sleeping, controls humidity.

How to grow: Lot's of natural and direct sunlight, moderate amounts of water.

Difficulty: Moderate.

10. Valerian

How it helps: The root of this plant can be made into a tea which has been used to treat both anxiety and insomnia.

How to grow: Six hours of sunlight a day, well-drained nitrogen rich soil, needs plenty of space, needs to be kept uniformly moist.

Difficulty: Moderate.

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