My freshmen year of college, my roommate and a few friends of mine spent far too many nights in watching movies. Me, being the horror genre fan that I am, always insisted that we watched a scary movie. And, seeing as we were all broke college kids and knew our parents' Netflix passwords, we spent a lot of time watching some awful films. However, in the middle of all of the terrible acting and the worst CGI I have ever seen, we stumbled upon some really great films. I've put a list together of the best 10 that I have seen (so far). I hope you have a night light.
10. VHS 2
All three of the VHS films are something to watch, but the second, in particular, stands out above the rest. This film takes a new spin on found footage and takes you on a journey with three different stories. It's not for those with a weak stomach, because I could make a list of the "Top 10 Most Gory Films I Have Ever Seen", and this film would probably find it's way in the top three. However, if you think you can handle the gore, these three, completely different stories will keep you on the edge of your seat.
9. The Taking of Deborah Logan
I remember watching this movie back home and getting back to school and forcing my reluctant friends to watch it. This film starts out slow, but picks up extremely quickly. Another found footage film, but this time it is in the documentary format. A family thinks that Deborah has a disease that is common with age, but what they find is something much, much sinister.
8. Children of the Corn
I have been a fan of Stephen King for as long as I can remember, so obviously one of his films was going to find its way on this list. I think a lot of people can agree that children can be a little creepy at times, but what about a whole group of creepy kids who live in the middle of a corn field? I am one of those people who think kids are creepy and this film made me contemplate sleeping with the light on.
7. House Hunting
The first time I watched this movie I couldn't take my eyes off of it. It's plot line is something that I have never seen done before. The story starts out with two families going to view an open house and they stumble upon a girl with no tongue?? And they're all stuck in the house?? And possibly the most terrifying part, they're all forced to eat canned beef stew??
6. 13 Cameras
I just watched this movie for the first time a few weeks ago and I was so impressed with everything about it. Just when you think you know what is going to happen next, something arises and surprises (read: scares) you. The film begins with a couple, expecting a baby, moving in to a house that they're renting from a man who just seems a little... off. Obviously, there are 13 cameras (that are in the house) and the sub-plots are something to keep you interested during the rising action. This film is a must see, especially for anyone renting a house.
5. Hush
Something interesting about this film is it's use of sound. The movie is focused around a deaf woman, and at some points the film goes in her head and it is completely silent. This makes for even bigger jump scares focused around sound, but this movie has so much more going for it than jump scares. Going inside her head, this film puts the audience in a situation to be very empathetic to the protagonist who lives in the middle of nowhere and is suddenly being harassed by a masked man. It's a race for her life once the man enters the house and you won't be able to take your eyes off of the screen in anticipation for what is to come next.
4. The Den
Being focused around a web cam I was extremely wary of this film. After a failed attempt known as Unfirended this movie had me on the fence. However, I am so glad I decided to watch it. This movie is full of false scares that make the real scares that much more terrifying. Playing on a story world version of Omegle, this movie teaches you about just how dangerous the internet can truly be.
3. The Houses October Built
I cannot say enough good things about this movie. It is another found footage movie (can you tell I'm in to them?) that is filmed like a documentary (again). It's focused around a group of friends looking for the "ultimate haunt" so they go around the country trying to find the scariest haunted house. Sticking to the horror film genre, things go wrong and they get themselves in way too deep in a dark, twisted situation.
2. Dream House
The only reason this movie didn't make it to the number one spot is because I would categorize it more of a psychological thriller rather than horror, but in my opinion, psychological thrillers are just as terrifying because they're focused more around how the human mind works, which is scary enough. No matter how you feel about this genre, this movie is scary. It makes you think and the plot twist will have you screaming. This movie is in the top five of the best movies I have ever seen and you will be on the edge of your seat the entire time trying to figure out just exactly what is going on.
1. Would You Rather
Finally, we have reached number one. I can't even express to you how interesting this movie is. Everyone has played "would you rather" in their middle school days, but this movie takes it to a whole new level. The stakes are high at this certain dinner party, and only one person can win the game, therefore changing their life forever. The end of the movie is easily one of the best twists I have ever seen done. I can't talk this film up enough, so just take it from me and watch it.