Small towns have this atmosphere around them that you can't get in a big city.
1. “Everyone knows everyone” is kind of cliché, but it's true.
You've been going to school with the same people for your entire life, so you know them and their whole family. Heck, you even know their birthday and where they live.
2. Driving is your only option.
You have to drive outside of county lines like 30 to 45 minutes to even do anything remotely fun, unless you want to do the same things you've been doing your whole life like playing pool, swimming, or traveling somewhere in the middle of the woods and swimming.
3. There's no Walmart.
Let me repeat, THERE'S NO WALMART. Dollar General, save-a-lot, rite-aid, and IGA are your very best friends.
4. All your teachers remembered your siblings, cousins, even your parents.
Teacher: do you know… yeah, he's my brother.
5. Literally everyone is a Republican.
There were few minorities and even fewer liberals. Which means DONALD TRUMP is practically the gospel. (Unless you're a Bernie fan like me).
6. Camo.
Everything came in camo. It's a fashion statement. People even wear it to prom and weddings and if they're feeling really good they'll pair it with a pair of cowboys boots. And there were even wacky days in school where you could wear camo and get extra points.
7. “Where are you from?”
Sometimes you mumble the city or county, but usually you just tell them what's closest to you and you always know they'll say “never heard of it.” And if someone needs directions you can't give them to them because they don't know the locals and that's the only way you can explain.. "drive 3 miles past Larry's house and when you see the church, turn left and drive past Karen's house.."
8. It really is small.
People will say “I'm from a small town there's only like 5,000 people in our graduation class." And you remember you're lucky to have 100 in yours.
9. Churches are everywhere.
I mean this literally. Churches are at least one mile apart; some are closer and some are farther. But they're there.
10. Local events are always odd.
Like in my case we greased pigs and chased them around, played basketball on donkeys, and dressed up like people from the civil war and shot canons off. BUT AT LEAST EVERYONE IN THE TOWN WAS THERE.
Growing up in a small town means you can't wait to leave. Some people mean temporarily others means forever. Whatever the case you have to be aware that this town is the town that built you. For anyone who has had the opportunity to grow up in a small town like I have, I hope you realize how truly blessed you are.