When the second week of March rolls around, the anticipation builds up for spring break. Some plan to go on crazy trips to the beach, some go on trips with their families, and some go home and simply relax. For parents of college kids coming home, watch out, here are the first 10 things your children will do.
1. Check the fridge.
We do live off of Ramen and Taco Bell, so coming home to a fridge full of food is the best.
2. Lay in your bed.
Anything is better than the twin mattress we are used to.
3. Do your laundry.
And by "do laundry," we mean, "Mom, will you do my laundry?"
4. Take a nap.
It's a must, sorry Mom!
5. Eat.
A long-awaited homemade meal will be perfect.
6. Take a shower.
A clean and normal sized shower is better than your 2x2 shower on campus.
7. Eat again.
Life of a college student... we are always hungry!
8. Check in with your high school friends.
...Or at least the ones you still like.
9. Unpack your car.
Feel free to help!
And finally...
10. Give your parents a hug.
We do miss you when we are at school, even though we don't show it.