10 Hidden Gems in Southern California
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10 Hidden Gems in Southern California

Are you bored with your usual weekend hangouts?

10 Hidden Gems in Southern California

Have you caught a travel bug, but are stuck on a budget or don't have time to travel far? 

Here are ten places you may have not known existed, but have to see if you've got wanderlust in your blood. 

1. Balboa Park, San Diego - This somewhat hidden beauty gives you the feeling of being in a European country without the jet lag and expensive travel fees. If you love museum hopping or lounging in beautiful gardens, this place is for you. The stunning Spanish inspired architecture will leave you feeling as if you are escaping to Barcelona for the day when in reality you’re in the heart of downtown San Diego! In addition to various cultural attractions, there are seventeen museums and nineteen gardens to get lost in! Once you step foot in this gorgeous getaway, you will fall in love with it’s unique beauty and want to spend every weekend in Balboa Park. The best part… it’s free! (Each museum and attraction may have varying fees of admission) 

2. Alta Laguna Park - If you like hiking, you must visit Alta Laguna Park in Laguna Beach! Also known as “Top of the World” park, this place is a true gem in the SoCal area. With stunning views and miles of hiking trails ranging from easy to very difficult this is a great place to hike, work out or mountain bike during the day. Alternatively, you can sneak up here at night to star-gaze! The park can be difficult to find… from PCH in Laguna, turn up Park Avenue and follow the road all the way up to the very top of the hill. 

3. Santa Catalina Island - If you have ever wanted to visit the Amalfi Coast in Southern Italy, take a trip to Santa Catalina Island. Only about twenty-six miles off the coast of Newport Beach, this island getaway looks and feels like a small coastal town on the shores of Italy. It’s unique way of life along with stunning views of the Pacific will leave you wanting more of this little island and don’t worry it has more! Hiking, scuba diving, zip lining, kayaking, camping and parasailing, this island has everything for the adventurous type as well as beautiful beaches for those who want to relax. Round trip tickets are just $70 from Newport Harbor! 

4. Crystal Cove State Park - Are you tired of visiting the same beaches in Southern California? Check out one that’s full of history, activity and natural life! Situated off PCH in between Corona Del Mar and Laguna Beach is Crystal Cove State Park. Here land goers can hike, mountain bike, camp or explore the tide pools while sea goers can swim, surf or scuba dive. History buffs can check out the newly restored Crystal Cove Beach Cottages originally built in the 1930s. Located near the cottages is The Beachcomber, a delicious and unique dining experience right on the sand of Crystal Cove beach! This beach town community has the typical SoCal mindset: relaxed and simple. 

5. Cinespia, Hollywood Forever Cemetery - For twelve years now, outdoor movie screenings in the Hollywood Forever Cemetery have offered a very unique entertainment experience in the Los Angeles area. Here you can watch movies under the stars with your family, friends, or special someone. Transform a date night at the movie theater to a special romantic experience or bring the family outdoors for fun, food and a film. All you need is a blanket and a picnic basket full of your favorite goodies! Screenings are on select Saturdays and Sundays for just $14! 

6. Sawdust Festival, Laguna Canyon - If you love arts and crafts, the Sawdust Festival in Laguna Canyon is perfect for you! You can wander sawdust-covered paths of the quaint village perusing the hand made crafts, jewelry and art. You can even take a class in ceramics, painting or photography! This festival is a non-profit and supports many of the local artists in Laguna Beach. There are both summer and winter festivals. Admission is only $8.50! 

7. Farmers Market, Los Angeles - If you enjoy shopping at outdoor markets or have ever wanted to visit one of the famous markets in London, England, then the Farmers Market in LA is the place for you! A historic landmark in the heart of Los Angeles, this market has completely evolved over its many years of business. In 1934, a dozen or so farmers parked their trucks on the corner of 3rd and Fairfax and sold their fresh produce out of the back of their trucks. From then to now, the market has grown tremendously and is a truly unique shopping experience. 

8. 1,000 Steps Beach - Take the trek down the many stairs of 1,000 steps beach to visit a beautiful secluded cove in Laguna Beach. Located across the street from PCH and 9th street, you will find tree-lined stairs that emerge into stunning coastal views. When the tide is out, there are even fun caves to wander into! Spend the day enjoying the surf and sun before you make the hike back up the stairs. (Note: these steps can also be a source of great exercise!) 

9. Anaheim Packing District - Another unique market experience can be found at the Anaheim Packing District. With shops, merchants, dining and entertainment, this indoor/outdoor communal gathering place is up and coming in the Orange County area. How fitting that it has an orange grove in its backyard! The farmer’s market is open on Sundays from 10am-2pm and the packing house features live music every weekend! 

10. C & O Cucina, Marina del Rey -  Have you ever wanted to eat an authentic Italian meal in Italy? Well, you’re in luck! No you don’t have to travel to Italy to eat it’s exquisite cuisine… a visit to C & O Cucina in Marina del Ray will make you feel like you are dining in Italy! This unique dining experience stays true to the Italian ways. Beautiful Italian architecture, delicious food and the staff breaking into “That’s Amore” mid meal will keep you coming back to this restaurant! Not to mention, their garlic balls are to die for! (Tip: try to get a table outside in their outside courtyard to really feel like you are dining in Italy!) 

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