10 Helpful Tips And Tricks To Ace The Job Interview | The Odyssey Online
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10 Helpful Tips And Tricks To Ace The Job Interview

Some tricks I’ve learned to help me become a better job applicant.

10 Helpful Tips And Tricks To Ace The Job Interview
Articles 9

Job interviews are tough, but they’re the next step to landing that job. Here are some things I’ve learned during the tedious process:

1. Practice what you’re going to answer.

During a job interview, the managers often ask numerous semi-structured questions. This means that they had a set list of questions to ask before the interview started and a few questions based off your answers. The questions will more than likely be from your resume that the managers have since looked over. Some questions that come up will ask you of your personal description and how you characterize yourself. Others will ask of any experiences that relates to your future work performance. I would recommend Google-ing some “job interview questions” beforehand or to ask your family and friends what questions they’ve encountered while trying to land a job.

2. Research the company and the specific local chain beforehand.

Do some research online regarding how the management works behind-the-scenes. Why do you want to work here? What is your goal and or priority pertaining this local business? Be sure to visit the business a few times before going in for the job interview. Get to know the place like the back of your head.

3. Dress for success!

Don’t go in wearing a casual white T-shirt and blue jeans. Even if you don’t have a tux or a nice blazer and some matching shoes, you can always pull together something nice-looking! A white blouse paired with a fake leather jacket and leather pants with flats could do the trick. You should also put in some effort to make sure there are no stray ends in your hair or makeup that’s fading. If you’re a guy, make sure your hair isn’t messy! And wear pants that aren’t jeans.

These three steps are crucial for preparing you for the final boss… be mindful of what you say and answer during the job interview. Each sentence is crucial to determining whether you will be qualified for the job. So during the job interview:

4. Arrive 10 minutes prior to your appointment.

This is an obvious one. You don’t want to make a bad impression...when you’re not even working there yet!

5. Back straight! Smile! Maintain eye-contact! And answer confidently!

I can’t stress this enough. There is nothing that differentiates you from any other job candidate if you cannot maintain your posture. You should always have your back straight as a sign of respect and to show that you are upright even in the littlest ways. Smile to show your prospective managers that you are happy to be here being interviewed. Maintaining eye-contact shows your managers that you are serious about the job and are able to create good connections. And always remember to answer confidently. Your answers are your own; be able to answer firmly about your description and detailed experiences.

6. Offer what YOU can do to help the business. Not what IT can do for YOU.

Yes, we all know you want to work at this business. We know you love its food/its clothing/its customers/etc. But what the managers really want to know is what YOU can do to help them. Are you perhaps a really hygienic person who really loves to clean even when it’s slightly dusty? Are you really punctual? Or are you really organized? Highlight your assets and be able to weave them into the questions they ask you. Show what makes you unique and helpful and a great addition to their team!

After the interview is finished, there may be a moment when they ask you if you have any questions for them. This may seem optional, but it isn’t!

7. Be curious and ask any questions relevant pertaining to the job.

Ask about the manager’s history of working there and how she or he liked it. Ask about the workers there and how they feel about working there. Ask about the challenges faced when working there.

8. Be polite and give thanks.

Your managers will tell you that you will be contacted if they want you for the job. Ask them once again to confirm, showing that you are serious about the job. Then, give thanks and show that you are grateful for them giving you this opportunity and to lend you their time. Be sure to shake their hand firmly afterwards!

9. Give them a follow-up email, mail, or in-person thanks.

You’re not done yet! Thank them again for the opportunity as a sign of common courtesy. They probably had other things to do but instead they chose to interview you! Be mindful of that and send a letter to thank everybody who came out. This also separates you from other job applicants who often forget the follow-up greeting.

10. Wait, relax, and enjoy.

The only thing you can do now is wait. Hang out with your friends or family and enjoy the time between now and their decision! Don’t be too hung up over worry. Just relax and enjoy the free time while you’ve still got it.

Whether you get the job or not, hopefully this guide has helped you a bit! I wish you every bit of luck and to not stress out if you didn’t get the job. As the saying goes, “rinse and repeat!”

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