As every college student knows, finals week can be beyond hectic. Attempting to recall an entire year of information in order to project it onto one exam is taxing, to say the least. The key to getting through this week is fuel, and since sleep is generally very sparse, I mean food. Here are 10 HEALTHY study snacks to keep you going, while staying on track for summer at the same time.
1. Frozen fruit with Greek Yogurt: Simple. Choose your favorite fruit, coat it with healthy Greek yogurt, and freeze it over night. You will have a sweet and healthy satisfying snack to get you through the long night ahead.
2. Apples with peanut butter: A delicious and self-explanatory snack.
3. Carrots: Plain carrots are extremely inexpensive and packed with nutrients to keep you full, and on top of your game.
4. Oatmeal: Low in calories, high in fiber and protein. Does it get any easier?
5. Coffee: Ditch the energy drink and substitute it for a nice cup 'o joe! Remember, milk and sugar are also okay in moderation!
6. Dark chocolate: If you're in a slump, reach for a piece of dark chocolate. In moderation, dark chocolate can be a healthy snack that is high in antioxidants, and can it can cause the body to release endorphins, making studying a little less painful.
7. HOMEMADE Trail Mix: Forget the store bought trail mix. Take a few minutes to put together a few healthy foods, such as: almonds, dried fruits, flax seeds, and even some semi-sweet chocolate chips, to keep you going.
8. Avocados: Avocados are easy to pack, and they are a delicious and healthy snack, or even a meal substitute.
9. Protein bars: Grab a quick bar, and head straight on your way to that A!
10. Fruit Smoothie: A healthy smoothie can be just what you need to power through exam week, and make it out alive.