This summer I decided to ditch the cheese fries and start to eat clean. As someone who was addicted to junk food like Chipotle, boneless wings and Wendy's, it was definitely a hard switch. While I do have the occasional slice of pizza or something, overall I eat balanced, clean meals. Thanks to the help of Tumblr, Instagram and Pinterest, I was able to find tons of healthy recipes and ingredients to incorporate into my diet. Through the process of looking through these websites, I found so many health trends that can overall help with digestion, weight loss, and other health issues that I had fun trying. Here are some of my favorites.
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or an expert on healthy eating -- these are all just trends that I found that seemed to be popular on health websites and blogs. You should consult a doctor before making any major changes or introducing something new to your diet. A lot of these trends are supposed to help with metabolism and weight loss, but I am in no way promoting the idea that people need to lose weight to look good or be healthy.
1. Detox Waters

As someone who absolutely hates to drink regular water, this is honestly a lifesaver for me. Detox waters are super fun to make and allow you so much room to shake up the flavors as well. You can add different blends of fruits and ingredients like mint leaves and ginger. My personal favorite detox water blend is
ginger, mint, lemon and cucumber. I let it sit in a pitcher overnight and then drink it through out the following day.
2. Chia Seeds

It is safe to say that I am absolutely obsessed with chia seeds. There are so many ways to incorporate them into your diet, such as mixing them into smoothies or putting them on top of yogurt, etc. They are stocked full of fiber, which aids in digestive health, and also an excellent source of protein.
Some studies have even found that they help boost your metabolism and energy levels therefore aiding in weightless and work out productivity.
3. Overnight Oats

I came across these recipes on Pinterest and have been obsessed with them ever since. Basically, you fill a jar or container with rolled oats and fill it with almond milk (as someone with a nut allergy, I recommend coconut milk or skim instead), Greek yogurt and any kind of flavor or toping you want like honey, cinnamon, apples, berries or chia seeds, and let it soak overnight in the sealed container. When you wake up the next day, you have the perfect breakfast that you can eat on the go.
Overnight oats are a great alternative to flavored instant oatmeal, which is usually filled with sugar and it is a lot more fun than the plain non-flavored oatmeal.
4. Black Coffee Before Workouts

I came across a few posts about black coffee before a workout and decided to give it a try. I can honestly say that it does provide an extra boost in your energy so you can really push harder during your workout which just helps make your workout more productive overall. Black coffee is a great way to get caffeine in general because it is low calorie and doesn't have fat/sugar cause you aren't adding any milk, sugar or flavorings.
5. Spice Things Up

Cayenne pepper is a great health tool. It helps to boost blood circulation, reduce blood sugar and increase calorie burning potential. Some people like to make a detox water with honey, cayenne pepper and lemon but I think it is easier to just incorporate cayenne into your food by sprinkling it on some vegetables or seasoning meat with it.
6. Protein Isn't Just For Body Builders

Protein is the key to building muscle to it makes sense that eating a high protein diet can help you to get toned and muscular. Adding protein powders to smoothies are a great way to increase your protein intake. Eating a lot of lean meat and fish also helps. Always remember to consult a doctor before making any major dietary changes because a high protein diet may not be safe for everyone.
7. Zucchini Noodles

While I am a believer that you shouldn't cut out carbs completely -- whole grains are great for you -- I do follow a low-carb diet. That being said, a great way to enjoy your favorite pasta recipes without all the carbs in pasta is by using
zucchini noodles. I am not going to tell you that it tastes exactly like pasta (because it definitely doesn't) but it does taste very fresh and clean. You can even shave zucchini to make meatless meatballs. This is just a really good option for anyone obsessed with
Italian food but wanting to eat clean.
8. Grapefruits

Grapefruit is not some superfood that will just melt fat away but it definitely does provide a boost. It helps with insulin levels, blood pressure,
heart health and can provide a slight boost for your metabolism
9. Meal Prep

This trend is great for those who want to eat healthy but are always
too busy to cook every day.
Meal prepping isn't anything that new or profound, but it is a helpful clean eating tip. You prepare all your meals for the week during the weekend and store them in plastic containers so that when you are ready to eat them all you have to do is get them from the fridge and heat them up. You can easily balance how much protein, carbs, and other nutrients as well as how many calories you are taking in. What you make is completely up to the individual so it isn't like you are following some strict diet. It really helps you to resist driving through the drive-thru for a quick meal when you are busy because you already have one prepared.
10. Acai Bowls

Words cannot describe how much I am obsessed with these bowls. I love them so much I would rather get an acai bowl over a Chipotle bowl any day. Acai is a fruit from South America that people are pretty much obsessed with because of its health benefits, such being stocked full of antioxidants (even more than blueberries!). The bowls usually have a bottom layer of oats or granola followed by an acai berry
smoothie mixture (usually filled with acai, berries, banana, and almond milk (I use skim), followed by another layer of oats and berries and topped with fresh fruit, coconut shaving and honey. There are many health food stores, smoothie places and shops where you can get them but they are also super easy to make at home. They make for a really great meal at any time of the day and are super great for you with all the fruits and the good carbs from the oats or granola.