Your inbox beckons you with promises from flight company after flight company—roundtrip ticket to (insert location here) for only (insert reasonable price here)! As if an instinct, your eyes widen and zero in on the details. Across the room sits your overflowing jar labeled Adventure Funds. It is time to take a step into the unknown for the first time in your life.
Perhaps at the time of purchasing this ticket you didn’t consider the…dangers…that inevitably pair themselves with traveling internationally. Never fear! You won’t go unprepared! I will list 10 hazards below. Buckle your seatbelt and turn your attention to the list below.
1. You will be tested.
Depending on where you’re going and what sort of trip you’re taking, you will be pushed and jostled (also by people too) to grow. Whether it be by trying new foods, seeing things you didn’t know happened around the world, or bartering for that item you’ve got to have.
2. You will learn.
Of course, this only works if you don’t shut yourself off from the people and cultures around you as you travel. You have to be open to learning. On my recent and first trip internationally, I learned words in Swahili, more about Kenyan culture and history, and about myself.
3. You will fall in love.
I mean with traveling, with the world, but, sure, people have fallen in love with other people. It’s been done. However, please don’t make this your goal.
4. Your perspective(s) will shift.
Personally, growing up as a privileged white American has kept me fairly sheltered my whole life. We shouldn’t form opinions until we know and we cannot know until we see or experience or, well, live. There will be things and people and places you experience and meet and see that will cause a perspective change whether it be miniscule or grandiose.
5. You will forget.
Life back home, food back home, responsibilities back home… When it’s out of sight, it’s easy for it to be out of mind. Although I was only gone for two weeks it felt like I’d been gone at least a month. But this isn’t so bad because it enables you to intentionally immerse yourself in the culture you’re experiencing away from home.
6. You will make friends.
For all of us reclusive hermits out there, this sounds downright terrifying. (What are you doing traveling, anyway? I’m proud of you.) Inevitably you will make connections and meet people you enjoy, just like at home. Make sure you exchange contact information with them otherwise it might be a long, long while before you see them. A popular app for communicating is Whatsapp.
7. You will remember.
When you’re back home, there will be things that touched you deeply on your trip that you cannot let go of or shake or forget. Keep these memories as reminders. Write down your experiences. Remember the sounds, smells, tastes, feelings, people, places…
8. You will lose pieces of your heart.
Obviously in writing this I do not imply you will literally lose pieces of your heart. That would be…absolutely horrendous. But figuratively, sure, you will leave pieces of your heart across the world.
9. You will understand.
As an INFJ, this thrills me. There is nothing I secretly (I guess it’s not much of a secret now) enjoy more than understanding. My favorite question is why (though I don’t ask it as often as a three year old). But when you travel, there is a sort of film that once covered our eyes that gets lifted or somewhat torn off to enable our sight and understanding.
10. You will become an addict.
I’ve traveled internationally once and I cannot wait until the next opportunity arises. And then again, and again, and again (even though I despise flying).