We are from the generation that grew up with Harry Potter. We have read every book, and watched every movie. We will forever be committed to this series, and we are unashamed. Here are 10 that we will undoubtably get emotional about.
1. J.K. Rowling
This brilliant women was the creator of the magic that started in our childhood and still lives on today. She wrote stories that inspired millions, and she continues to stand up for what's right, fight for the underdog, and love ferociously. We bow down to her and will defend her at all costs.
2. Loved Ones Who've Passed
From Sirius, to Dobby, to Fred, to Dumbledore, and so many more, we've had our hearts broken more than a few times. These heartwarming, lovable characters became important figures in our lives, and while they might be fictional, the pain we felt when they died was a real as it gets.
3. Sorting People
Into houses, that is. Any true Harry Potter fan gets extremely passionate when the conversation turns to Hogwarts Houses. You better believe that they know exactly what house they belong in, and probably you too.
4. Our Hogwarts Letters
Where the #@$! are they?
5. Neville
This boy stands as the definition of courage and loyalty. We watched him grow from a shy, nervous boy, to a strong, badass young man with a heart of gold. He is truly proof that the underdog can prevail, and any true fan knows how important of a role he played in the series.
6. Harry Potter Tattoos
Some of us have them, some of us don't, but all of us can admit that they're pretty damn cool.
7. Realizations and Theories
The Internet is filled with realizations, fan theories, and stories that fill us with all the feels. You're lying if you say you've never shed a tear over one of these heart-wrenching posts.