First key to success:
Hot drinks are good for the soul,
Make sure you drink em.
That uh-oh feeling
Is a good enough reason
To not do something
Really good posture
Keeps you confident, and also
People respect you.
It's totally fine
For you to sleep early if
You have next day plans
If you know people
Who make you sad and stressed out
You can forget them.
If you can say things
In a direct, truthful way
You can live so peacefully.
Eat when you're hungry,
Sleep when you are tired, and
Drink tons of water.
Are you gravity?
Otherwise, bringing people
down is not your job.
Hug loved ones often.
They are so, so important.
Make sure they know that.
As much time as possible,
Spend on things which make you smile
That promote your health.