Chances are if you're in college or in high school you've either been on tinder or have seen someone else use Tinder. Tinder is a sad excuse for a young adult "dating website(?)". There are very distinct categories of guys that you will see on there. Here are the top ten.
1. The guy who only has pictures up of his car/truck.
I know that this is a tough concept, but I really would prefer to not chat with you know, an SUV.
2. The guy that just says "hey".
Boy oh boy, I'm super intrigued.
3. The guy that starts out with a corny pick up line.
Yes, I know much a polar bear weighs.
4. The guy that tells you how beautiful you are...then wants to see something more than your face.
Could've fooled me for at least a second or two.
5. The guy that super likes you, but doesn't message you.
I mean, it's cool I'm not butthurt.
6. The guy that super likes you, messages you, and then doesn't answer you.
It's fine, REALLY IT'S FINE.
7. The guy that offers you to come to his home in Florida, just to hang out.
Totally not weird at all, I would love to actually.
8. The guy that has 4 kids and wants to "have more with you".
Umm, sorry I have to go.
9. The guy that you have no idea how you matched with.
I'll just keep telling myself I didn't actually swipe right.
10. The guy that wants to know "what you're looking for".
Maybe we're just not on the same page, sir.