There was once a time when the thought of being single was a horrifying path that I didn't want to walk down. The thought of not having that one, guaranteed guy in my life was not an option. I have come to terms with the fact that being single is an absolute whirlwind of fun that should be taken advantage of until someone special comes along.
1. Being single means having the opportunity to wake up in the morning and think “What do I want to do today?” without having to factor in someone else’s plans.
Want to go on a random hike? Do it, because you can and you can do it alone. Want to go out to diner by yourself to have some quiet, you time? Do it.
2. You can make plans with your best friends and not having to worry about someone being angry because you're not spending your free time with them.
3. You can speak to whoever you want without your significant other getting jealous.
See a cutie at the bar? Go talk to him. See another one? Go talk to him too! The possibilities are endless, and you’ll be amazed at the different types of people you will meet.
4. You can travel as often as you want, and wherever you want and you’ll never have to worry about leaving him/her at home to miss you.
Also, you can meet as many new people as you want while in that new place and never have to worry about a boyfriend or girlfriend wanting to tag along.
5. You can completely move to a different place and not have to consider another person’s feelings on you moving away.
Want to pick up and move to Florida? Do it! You don't have to ask someone how they are going to feel about that.
6. You can spend your money on whatever you want and not have to worry about leaving money available to buy your significant other things.
Want to blow $200 on yourself on a sale that Sephora is having for the holidays? Do it because you don't have to worry about buying your boyfriend/girlfriend a gift.
7. Most of your friends are probably single also, so you ever have to worry about being “the friend with the boyfriend.”
8. You can go on as many dates as you want and never have to worry about getting serious with any of them if you aren't interested.
Plus, its so much fun getting to meet new people and find out about them and tell them about yourself and testing out if there are going to be sparks flying or not.
9. You can fully focus on your goals and ambitions without having to worry about supporting someone else's at the same time.
You are your biggest fan, and somehow, that is enough.