"Grease" is definitely one of the best movies made of all time. I haven't met one person who has said they hate "Grease." The soundtrack itself is pure gold and how could you not know every word to "Summer Nights." As a "Grease" lover, we cannot forget the best top ten quotes to ever exist in musical history. It's Greaaaase lightnin'.
10. Peachy keen, jelly bean
Cause obviously all the best quotes came from Rizzo
9. Do you think these glasses make me look smarter? Nah you can still see your face
8. A hickey from Kenickie is like a Hallmark card
7. Too bad his brains are in his biceps
Oh Danny Zuko, you shouldn't have been so cocky.
6. She's too pure to be pink
What's too pure?
5. Heeeeeeey, Eugene
How could you ever forget about nerdy Eugene?
4. You're a fake and a phony and I wish I never laid eyes on you
You tell 'em Sandy
3. Some people are just so touchy
My personal favorite
2. Blanche, these are the schedules we had for last semester. Maybe next year you'll find the ones for this semester
Let's all admit, Blanche and Principle McGee were the dynamic duo.
1. Tell me about it, Stud.
Do I need to even make a comment?
What;s your favorite Grease quote?